I believe that Autism is a detonator word. It has no meaning until we internalize it. And then, it detonates something different for each one. For some its an asset, for others it's a disadvantage, for others its a disorder.
It is a fuzzy word.
In me, it detonated my internal introspection. It gave me plausible explanations for my weirdness, and a kind of peace and acceptance that I hadn't experienced before.
Not all my weird things fit into the Autism box. My neuro-configuration also includes DTD which in short is a absent internal GPS. I have also gained insight how it has had an impact on my behavior, and how it strongly interacts with the Autism box.
With all the shortcomings, the word Autism has had a positive effect on my life. And a sense of calm joy when I find that I can begin to explain myself to myself.