9CatMom wrote:
It is embarrassing to admit I don't have a driver's license.
What the fugs a "driver's license"?
I've failed every piece of schooling I've attempted.
I've never had a "romantic interest".
I can barely speak (barely…) to anyone other than my mother;
who I live with.
I have no outside friends.
I was agoraphobic for several years.
I was at the mental hospital for a month, probably years if my ma wasn’t so cool.
Everyone at the mental hospital spoke too much for me.
I failed the written test for the learners’ driver license.
I'm scared of everything.
I stare at women I find attractive.
The only thing I'm interested in I can't pursue due to my autism (and other mental disorders).
I've never had a job.
I'm totally reliant on my mother for transportation and emotional support.
I live off the fat of kings.
I owned a number of firearms that I sold when I had obsessive thoughts of gunning people down.
I like swords...and decapitation.
It can always get worse (or better).