how "weird" do you appear to other people?

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How "weird" do you come across?
Extremely weird. 27%  27%  [ 24 ]
Somewhat weird. 47%  47%  [ 41 ]
Ever so slightly weird. 20%  20%  [ 18 ]
Not weird at all. 6%  6%  [ 5 ]
Total votes : 88


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10 Apr 2007, 6:08 am

Extremely weird.


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10 Apr 2007, 6:09 am

I think some people thing I belong in a straight jacket and padded cell.

Dr. House: I assume 'minimal at best' is your stiff upper lip British way of saying "no chance in hell."

Dr. Chase: I'm Australian.

Dr. House: You put the Queen on your money, you're British.


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10 Apr 2007, 6:11 am

scrulie wrote:
Also I tend to wear all green clothes, which might make people look at me funny.

I used to have a really big green hat I bought in Ireland, but I lost it
Actually, I think my mum mihgt have secretly thrown it away to stop me wearing it in public... :?


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10 Apr 2007, 6:14 am

I wear nothing but blue jeans, novelty t-shirts, sandals and short sleeve over-shirts(Occasionally of the hawaiian variety.) usually with my old baseball cap, or my nice leather cap(for special occasions.)

Once wore A leather jacket and blue jeans to a wedding.

Dr. House: I assume 'minimal at best' is your stiff upper lip British way of saying "no chance in hell."

Dr. Chase: I'm Australian.

Dr. House: You put the Queen on your money, you're British.


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10 Apr 2007, 6:22 am

I don't know...I'd have to ask them. I can't talk [verbally], so I most likely won't know.


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10 Apr 2007, 6:31 am

I used to appear extremely weird, to the extent that I've overheard people saying in stage whispers that I was a "weirdo". When I was a teenager, the more I tried to appear "normal" the worse I made it for myself.

Now, I think I generally get away with it, though sometimes it is hard to tell.

On the whole, people now just ask my why I look so serious, or am I worried about something, or the one I've had most of my life "Cheer up, it might never happen" :roll:

Any fool can cope with a crisis. The art is in dealing with the crap you get everyday.


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10 Apr 2007, 6:32 am

I've had people just start laughing at me when I speak
That just makes me nervous and confused :?


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10 Apr 2007, 7:08 am

I'm a Bull in a China Shop compared to my female peers. I don't dress in the prissy clothes, have the hair that's either long and flowing or done up in a bun, care about thinness, or have the hyper-Candian/American accent that my female peers have. Quite frankly, I don't care. They wear layers and flares - my favourite attire is rolled up tapered jeans and a leather jacket. They have long hair that's either free, or done up in an up-do - I prefer to spike and spray my hair with coloured spray: the more spikes and colour, the better. Their portions are so small, that it's sickning - I'm learning to eat normal portions, but I'll never eat the non-existant portions that they like eating. My female peers sound like the people on TV to a fault - I have a noticeable Cockney accent that I have no interest in modifying, never mind losing. They carry make-up and mirrors - I carry around a knife and a Routemaster. I'd rather have AS, than be normal, thank you very much.


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10 Apr 2007, 7:32 am

I seem to come over to people as ret*d. After a couple of sentences at the most, I can sense the change in their approach and the way they phrase things, and they start talking 'down' to me as if I was a child. It doesn't matter how 'normal' I try to act; there's obviously something in my appearance or my behavior that's saying to them there's something not quite right about me.


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10 Apr 2007, 8:47 am

Hovis wrote:
I seem to come over to people as ret*d. After a couple of sentences at the most, I can sense the change in their approach and the way they phrase things, and they start talking 'down' to me as if I was a child. It doesn't matter how 'normal' I try to act; there's obviously something in my appearance or my behavior that's saying to them there's something not quite right about me.

I've gotten that too unfortunately. People speak to me using a very condescending tone and it irritates me intensely. (Especially when I know I'm smarter than them)

I've been called weird all my life and the euphemism of weird which is 'eccentric'.



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10 Apr 2007, 9:02 am

I am afraid that if I tell people the things I can't do, they would start talking down to me. It is embarrassing to admit I don't have a driver's license. So far, nobody at work has looked down on me for it. I have worked hard to show people I am smart and know what I'm doing.


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10 Apr 2007, 9:22 am

what other's think? :roll:
good question! i'll interview them, :lol:
"sir, do you think i'm weird? what? ow... ok... hey madame, madame, wait, no i don't sell anything, just a question, do you think i'm weird? plainly? just a little? my appearance? talking? acting?..."

i have heard i'm like an alien,
and i know 'normal' people don't consider me one of them, although a lot of people like me (i have a friendly nature)

in some cases though i do belong to a group all of a sudden, probably because there is some reason behind it, like someone else said something good about me (i often manage to have some kind of 'protector/translator' around, and the very motivated ones give me compliments in public, not sure if that's good or not, it's mostly embarrassing, but it seems to have as an side-effect that suddenly people think i'm 'one of them')
it remains a little strange cause i don't know what i should do with that and feel that it can only stand just as long as i don't say/do anything 'stupid'.


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10 Apr 2007, 9:31 am

9CatMom wrote:
It is embarrassing to admit I don't have a driver's license.

What the fugs a "driver's license"? :)

I've failed every piece of schooling I've attempted.
I've never had a "romantic interest".
I can barely speak (barely…) to anyone other than my mother;
who I live with.
I have no outside friends.
I was agoraphobic for several years.
I was at the mental hospital for a month, probably years if my ma wasn’t so cool.
Everyone at the mental hospital spoke too much for me.
I failed the written test for the learners’ driver license.
I'm scared of everything.
I stare at women I find attractive.
The only thing I'm interested in I can't pursue due to my autism (and other mental disorders).
I've never had a job.
I'm totally reliant on my mother for transportation and emotional support.
I live off the fat of kings.
I owned a number of firearms that I sold when I had obsessive thoughts of gunning people down.
I like swords...and decapitation.

It can always get worse (or better). :wink:

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10 Apr 2007, 10:19 am

9CatMom wrote:
It is embarrassing to admit I don't have a driver's license.

Same with me. I've had it up to HERE with people's snarky, arrogant attitudes toward me regarding this. People, including those in my own family, constantly try to make me feel bad about not driving. I sincerely wish that I was capable, really I do. It's frustrating, not to mention HUMILIATING, not to be able to run to the store when I need to, or drop my kids off somewhere, or go have a fun Mommy and Me day at the movies and whatnot...I beat myself up enough over this, and don't need the extra bad feelings brought on by others. But they don't get it.

How do I explain the intense confusion I feel of having a thousand different things thrown at me all at once? How the road ahead seems to disappear into the horizon, and how the cars in the opposite lane seem to be coming straight at me? How do I get across my inability to navigate something as "simple" as my own neighborhood?

And I'm expected to put my KIDS in that situation?!

Far as I'm concerned, I'm doing society a service by not driving.

I wish people would just leave me the hell alone.


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10 Apr 2007, 10:59 am

Most people think I am cool and are patient with my occasional quirks.

If great minds think alike, does that mean that stupid minds think differently?


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10 Apr 2007, 11:40 am

I think the people who cometo the venue I come to think that I am mean...because I am often stressed out and i don't always control my tone of voice when talking to Flakey..causeing them to stare at me...because I might use a hostile tone of voice..whan I am feeling overwhealmed..

Flakey doesn't mind..he understands what's going on....but to to an outsider, it will sound like I am being mean to him.....
and then if for some reason I do talk to a person in attendance for no good reason, i think it makes them very uneasy.

I think the people at my screen pinting workshop might have thought I was strange.
I was probaby going up on my toes alot because I was nervous....and kinda noticed that they were all doing it too..and one kept whipering into the others ear..

And I don't have a drivers liscence either....and it is a good thing for the world.