Sopho_soph wrote:
Lobber wrote:
Not only do I find that a strange question for a poll, but I find the large number of no replies even more strange. I mean, I came to this website seeking help with my asperger's autism, and help finding therapists to alleviate the symtpoms since I know its not curable.
Am I the only one?
Did you all come here just for camraderie or just to seek others like yourself so you could shun the rest of the NT world? I can scarcely believe that. I'm sure some of you had to have had hope for help here. heh.
I think a lot of people here want to alleviate some of the symptoms (hypersensitivity etc) and to be able to adapt to social situations more but the idea of 'curing' Aspergers to most people here would be changing their personalities, losing interest in things they've been obsessed with for years. So I think that's why so few people have voted Yes.
You have ME pegged! In fact, I'm not really so sure at this point I would even want all the sensitivities and social problems to be cured. TODAY, I took two flights. I had about 4 runins with audio hypersensitivity. It all makes sense now! NOBODY learns to speak right, or fix the PAs/Alarms, because others aren't bothered! And I had a few runins with light hypersensitivity too. Still, THEY should change THEIR ways. I can't believe it is good for ANYONE. They have proven such things hurt hearing and retinas. But HEY! Today a person in his inimitable way mocked me implying I was STUPID.(BTW I respect him, and he seems to respect me, and in like 5 years this was a FIRST!) WHY did he do so? Because he saw me come to work with no jacket on in 30F weather. But HEY, that is one symptom I LIKE!