Wrong Planet Mentioned on Geraldo Riverea Last Night

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22 Apr 2007, 10:48 pm

alex wrote:
After the shootings at Virginia Tech, it was revealed by the news that the shooter was an Asian male in his mid 20’s. Following this new information, Geraldo proclaimed that he had found the shooter. The falsely accused “shooter” was Wayne Chiang. Geraldo had found his picture on the popular website www.facebook.com and immediately broke the news on his program “Geraldo At Large”. While on air, he showed pictures of Wayne Chiang with his rifles. Geraldo had made the faulty assumption that because he was Asian and owned guns, that he was the shooter. This association with the real shooter Cho Seung-hui and the falsely accused Wayne Chiang resulted in many death threats for Wayne. As a result of Geraldo’s questionable journalism, Wayne was featured twice in a CTV news program where his pictures were mixed in with the Cho Seung-hui.

Geraldo should be fired. What an irresponsible idiot.


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22 Apr 2007, 10:50 pm

SeriousGirl wrote:
Apatura wrote:
But have they determined that he was diagnosed as autistic or did the great aunt just think he was autistic? Was there ever an official diagnosis on Cho?

Here's a news story that seems to cast doubt on Cho having autism, or at least if he had AS, he also had much more significant problems:

http://www.wsls.com/servlet/Satellite?p ... !localnews

I couldn't find the "Geraldo at Large" segment on the Fox News website except for a text mention of it (no link). It was a gratuitous and unfounded connection on Geraldo's part. I am considering sending him an email about it. Does anyone have a link to the member's post who announced he was going to commit murder?

Good article...hope it gets a wide distribution!

Pileated woodpecker
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23 Apr 2007, 2:44 am

Cho seemed to be a phycopath. Doesn't seem autistic to me.

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23 Apr 2007, 3:48 pm

jimservo wrote:
Walter Conkrite was utterly irresponsible. People who decry the "Fox News" I think do not understand that news anchor with so much power are not suppose to make declarations of the state of how major wars are proceeding (as he inaccurately did after Tet Offensive in Vietnam). Alot of conservatives have decried Edward R. Murrow for his rather blantant use of editing to go after those he personally did not like, but Murrow was a saint (and honestly, he was a good man) compared to Cronkite.

I'm glad we no longer have only three hugely powerful network news anchors. It is better we have moved away from such a centralization of information.

Cronkite simply reported the news, he did not try to make it. As for his power to sway
national policy with his remarks, the problem was with the policy makers and not with
those who express their opinions. Cronkite was no saint but he was not a half-assed crusader
like Geraldo.


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23 Apr 2007, 4:16 pm

Nothing will happen to Rivera, nothing ever does. Everytime he is exposed as blowing it big time, he moves on to greener pastures. That moron gave away military plans on tv for christ's sake. and didn't get thrown in the slammer.
He's a ninny.


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23 Apr 2007, 4:26 pm

Rain_Bird wrote:
^ I had a "list of people who seriously need to die" in middle school (written so small that no one could read it anyway). While I had no intention of being the cause of their death, I wouldn't have been opposed to a meteor hitting their house as they slept or a similar event taking place. :P

Should people die because you don't like them? Is that rational thinking?

If the topic is small, why talk about it?


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23 Apr 2007, 11:42 pm

So I guess I'm going to add my two cents to this discussion.
There is absolutely no reliable statistical evidence that people on the spectrum are violent. The kid had another problem (and the teasing was a big part of it), but it wasn't AS. From the descriptions I've read, and I know a lot of people don't agree with me, that poor kid suffered from what's called an Anti Social Personality Disorder. And that's not on the Autistic spectrum.

But we're gonna get blamed, friends, because we're handy, the rest of the world doesn't give a crap, most of us with AS don't look like we have problems (or we look like "misbehaving normal people," and the people in blacksburg are looking for someone to blame. Ever hear of the Salem witch trials.

I wouldn't worry too much. This is going to blow over....until the next time....which isn't far off, and maybe someone will finally take a serious look at people like Cho, and realize that he was not autistic. He had problems, that's for darn sure, but if we go with what the media are saying, then we're looking at a situation like "The Minority Report," which I commend to everyone, if you haven't already seen it.

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24 Apr 2007, 2:37 am

I posted this comment in the member's forum but I think it fits here too:

One of the six main criteria for Asperger's as defined in section 299.80 of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) is:

#6: "The symptoms must not be better accounted for by another specific pervasive developmental disorder or schizophrenia."

In other words Asperger's by definition is a diagnosis that rules out mental illness. So having asperger's is the same as being diagnosed as not having mental illness.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that asperger's as a diagnosis clearly does not fit with the many signs of mental illness expressed in the actions and words of this particular individual in mention.

37 male, AS diagnosed, and loving it!


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24 Apr 2007, 5:30 am

aspiebegood wrote:
I posted this comment in the member's forum but I think it fits here too:

One of the six main criteria for Asperger's as defined in section 299.80 of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) is:

#6: "The symptoms must not be better accounted for by another specific pervasive developmental disorder or schizophrenia."

In other words Asperger's by definition is a diagnosis that rules out mental illness. So having asperger's is the same as being diagnosed as not having mental illness.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that asperger's as a diagnosis clearly does not fit with the many signs of mental illness expressed in the actions and words of this particular individual in mention.

It doesn't rule out a mental illness. That is not what it says. That can't be true at least 1 in 4 people have a diagnosable mental unless. For some reason people associate mental illness with less common ones like schizophrenia and also PD (which are not mental illnesses in the legal sense). Common mental illness are taboo. But even the less common ones could be co-morbid with AS.

What is saying is where there is an overlap if the symptoms indicate it is more likely to tend toward AS then they must go with AS unless new information is available.

There is no magic definition of anything, they can only define things that are distinct enough to be able to approach is a similar way. I diagnosis is only even a question of clinical judgment. They could get it wrong.