I take a number plate or cab number and repeat it over and over.
That is a great idea! Lately I've been trying to find compelling things to memorize to say over and over in my head instead of "I wish I were dead." For a couple days "Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species" was working, but then I made the mistake of actually reading about Linnean taxonomy on Wikipedia, and it's not nearly as elegant as I was hoping, so that's lost it's power...
Mindfulness meditation has worked well for me in the past, but I find I have to practise quite often to be able to use it when I need it. Which is pretty much every day. What was I taught? That every stressful situation is an opportunity to practise...
I started cognitive behaviour therapy recently. I told her that I was coming here to look for ideas on anxiety management and she thought it was a great idea...
Oh dear, I've ended each paragraph with an ellipsis.