when i was in elementary school i was "weird" and hyperactive and loud and always wanted to play pretend like, no matter where i was/who i was with. it annoyed everyone; even my teachers who were really critical of me (looking back i'm disgusted at how teachers bullied a lot of the Aspie kids, including myself). like, the playing pretend thing was what most people thought was weird. i wore costumes to school (when my mom wouldn't let me, i would wear part of the costume usually as a shirt if i could). i would also have a lot of meltdowns in class whenever people stared at me or if a bunch of kids cornered me and insulted me in groups where it was loud/everyone talking at once. teachers would physically restrain me and i remember being humiliated. i still have meltdowns from time to time, and i still "play pretend" except in my head. it helps me cope in social situations to pretend to be something else or pretend to go thru certain instances that parallel what social experience i'm actually going thru. i love dolls/toys/bright colored clothing/general child-like stuff. they bring me a lot of comfort but i'm constantly worried it's creepy. i just have to keep it to myself. only my boyfriend knows that side of me and he is the only one that understands.
as soon as i was turning about 13-14 i started getting some of the most negative reactions i've ever received to my behavior and i tried hard to start being quiet and to stop talking so much. it took until my junior year in high school to finally act "normal" with memorized gestures and vocal intonations.
my other "annoying" trait is that most of my behavior is learned from movies and i quote tv/movies all the time.
"Here, in my humble room at night, I often wonder what goes on out there; what makes them run so scared. I often stare at the people passing by, but they can't see me through my window shades; it's like I'm not even there. This is my private life." --(Private Life, Oingo Boingo)