Zizu58 wrote:
If you Google reincarnation there are literally thousands of similar claims, usually people stating that they were famous people or brave, courageous warriors, Mozart or Brahms or whatever ... There aren't many people claiming to be recarnnated toilet cleaners or sewarage workers ... odd !?!?
Not odd at all. If you're going to fantasize, do it in a big way.
Every "reincarnated" person I've ever talked to told me that they were a famous historical person. This was especially so when I worked as a "psychic".
Three or four claimed to be Joan de'Arc, for example. Two were George Washington, five were Pocahontas, two were Simon Peter (no one claimed to be Judas Iscariot, though), and no less than three claimed to be Nicola Tesla.
Not one ever claimed to be a miner, a slave, a prostitute, a gardener, a pig-herder, or anything ordinary.
No one.