SteveK wrote:
Close allegiance to family and/or a few close friends; tend to be homebodies
AS people don't necessarily have such an allegiance to family
Hmm...well, I'm a "homebody" I guess, and certainly only have an allegiance to a few close family and (sort of) friends.
Sensitive and concerned about what other think of them. Tend to be self-conscious and worriers
AS people are often blunt
I can sometimes be accidentally blunt (not so much anymore-I mostly know what to say/not say now). But I'm also a "worrier" I guess, and kind of self-conscious.
Very discreet and deliberate in dealing with others
AS people at least start out being blunt, etc....
I guess I tend towards the "discreet" end of things, preferring a one on one conversation without others listening in. (I can be quite annoyed by others listening to personal stuff I'm talking to someone about.)
Tend to maintain a reserved, self-restrained demeanor around others
AS people don't necessarily
I'm mostly reserved around people I don't know, because I don't know how I'm supposed to act. Sometimes I can be wacky around people I do know (well, occasionally).
Characteristics of the Avoidant Personality Disorder:
Unwilling to become involved with people unless certain of being liked; easily hurt by criticism or disapproval
I think AS people may start out trying!
Hmm...I can be easily hurt by criticism, and don't like it when I get the sense people don't like me.
Fear being embarrassed by blushing, crying, or showing signs of anxiety in front of other people
I don't think AS people do.
I don't think I do this. I have no idea what signs of anxiety I would be showing, so I guess I can't worry about it
Tend to be underachievers, and find it difficult to focus on job tasks or hobbies
AS people tend to excel in areas they specialize in, and often others.
I'm definitely an underachiever, basically because I can't navigate through what I'm supposed to do to finish college or get a higher paying job, etc. (and I'm comfortable where I am). On the other hand, I have razer focus on stuff I'm interesting in, and will spend hours thinking about it, researching it, etc. (It would be nice if I could get hired somewhere to fix computers, since I do that very well...but actually getting in to that position is the problem for me).
So...that's that, for what it's worth