Bec wrote:
If you find the origins for those words interesting, I think I have some information that you would like. Did you know that the Yiddish word 'faygeleh' has no relation to 'fag' or 'fa***t'? 'Faygeleh' actually means 'little bird'. Some of my Jewish relatives told me that.
I was aware that
faygeleh has been used in both contexts. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any information on the evolution of the word from refering to a bird to refering to a homosexual. I'm unlikely to anytime soon as I am generations removed from any Jewish reletaives.
I'm trying to verify another story about the origin of the word dating back to the inqusition. Suposedly, when a homosexual was condmned to be burned at the stake, he was forced to gather the bundles of sticks that would be used to start the fire. Considering that this was the time of the inquisition, sticks eventually ended up short in supply, they supposedly ended up thrpowing multiple homosexuals and/or heretics in the fire to get it going, then burned the witches last, and the word "fagot" became used as a threat. This could explain the term "flaming fagot".
We are getting hung up on the usage of the word "gay" when "Aspie" is the word in question, though the word "Aspie" could just as easily aquire the same derogatory definition as "gay".