Hospitals, psychiatrists, surgeons, pills, homes for the mentally ill, ads for weight-loss, dogs because they remind me of all the pet dogs I've owned that were killed by drivers, one killed one of my pet guinea pigs, and another turned on my mother for no obvious reason, ads for flu shots and medications around Christmas because they remind me of the times I was sick on Christmas Day, and was usually fine up until then so someone upstairs must really hate me, and for years I would be very anxious when the holidays were coming. Back then my mom thought flu shots were useless and that there was nothing I could really do to prevent getting sick, even washing my hands and avoiding crowds and once when I asked if I could get the vaccine (I was still living with my parents at the time), she acted as if I asked her I could go get a new kidney.
Also the summer sun because it reminds me of the last time I got badly sunburned at the beach quite a few years ago even though it was cool and cloudy, which was when I was still young and stupid so I didn't wear sunscreen. My mom and I were going to see The Lion King in theaters but I cancelled it because my sunburn was too painful. I ended up waiting until it came out on video. It was worth the wait, at least.
And if someone in my family is sick and throwing up from a stomach virus, it painfully reminds me of my emetophobia, and anything about it mentioned on the news is also upsetting. One time I didn't go to my parent's house for my birthday like I usually because my dad had the flu and was... yeah. I think the real reason my phobia isn't as bad as it used to be is because I live alone. But the people I the other apartments...
I actually keep a bunch of masks in my suitcase just to be safe when I go visit them or anywhere else. Never used them, though. I know they'd think I'd lost my mind if I did.