SteveK wrote:
agentcyclosarin wrote:
SteveK wrote:
OK, this is odd! LOGICALLY, AS people should be more likely to be right handed, but most here are ambidextrous with most of the rest left handed!! I use and am certainly better with my right, but I guess I am kind of ambidextrous. I have roughly the same control and, a few days ago, tried to get the same control. In a few minutes, both hands were nearly the same.
Its that we are too AS even for the AS crowd I'm sure. Lol.
I can do most things with my left as well as my right but my right IS the powerhouse. I swear my right side weighs more than my left.
I'm not sure what you mean by "too AS even for the AS crowd", but I toyed with the idea of getting my left arm to work as well as my right. I use each for nearly everything anyway. Frankly, it is astounding! Left handed people are fairly rare, at least in the US. 1 in twenty of 50 year olds, and about 1 in 8 for 20 year olds according to wikipedia. My mother is ambidextrous, and favors her left. I am ambidextrous, and favor my right. I can't, for the life of me, understand why ambidextrous people will write a left to right language with their left. But OH WELL. I was toying with learning a right to left language(where left handed would be an ASSET!)! Maybe I'll try to build that up.
It was a joke pertaining to the theory that the right side is connected to the left hemisphere of the brain dealing with logic ect. With this, that you and I and a few others are right handed would mean we are "more AS" than the other. In respects to that theory which is nothing of desired pursuit and likely void.
I can't, for the life of me, understand why ambidextrous people will write a left to right language with their left. But OH WELL.
Me neither, if maybe I was writing the other way I would use my left.
I tried to use my left when I was a kid and failed, eventually I gave up on the project deeming it a useless waste of time as you couldn't read what the hell I was writing.