NVLD think in pictures too?
risingphoenix wrote:
I've read about people with NLD also though who really seem not to be able to picture anything in their head at all, not even simple things so to say, so I wouldn't say anyone is capable of it.
Oh, just to add to this, my uncle didn't have NLD (I don't think), but he told me once that he couldn't picture anything in his head ever. He died a while ago though, so I can't ask him any more about it.
Regarding recognizing things without picturing them (mentioned in another comment- I didn't want to have yet another separate post since I have 3 in a row already), I actually can recognize people without remembering what they look like, in other words, without being able to picture them. If I meet someone, I could talk to them for an hour, and after they left, I couldn't tell you anything at all about what they looked like- not age, hair color, clothes, anything. I'd be very likely to recognize them again, though (if too long an interval hadn't passed). I can recognize someone when I see them even if I can't remember anything about their appearance when I'm not looking at them. Clearly, I've got some wires crossed- like those people who can see, but aren't aware they're seeing (blindsight) so that they can navigate around obstacles without ever being consciously aware of them. Some part of my brain must be storing the information, but I just don't have access to it until I've had a lot more exposure to the person.