This is the most important election of my life because I'm autistic

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19 Aug 2016, 1:07 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Hillary is an unacceptable candidate, corrupt and incompetent. Most of your grievances with Trump are based on insinuations and speech crimes, I don't really care what the candidates position on autism is as I don't think it will effect me either way. There are checks and balances, Trump breaks the status quo and the backs of the establishment which Hillary is so incestuously entrenched. The Clinton's have become wildly rich and how? Their 'charitable organization'? Trump is the superior candidate when it comes to foreign policy, when it comes to bringing jobs back home to our communities so devastated by the Clinton signed NAFTA, Trump is the superior candidate when it comes to removing the freeloaders who have so overburdened our social safety net to the point that it can't even function anymore. There are more important things to me than some hack journalist getting his feelings hurt and Trump musing about the origins of autism(which nobody knows), I'm not some coastal elitist who has only seen the exponential growth of America but rather someone that was trapped in some rustbelt hellhole where most don't escape.
As I stated I don't like either of them. Though Admittedly Hillary is the best out of them. That is all I said... :?

ever changing evolving and growing
I am pieplup i have level 3 autism and a number of severe mental illnesses. I am rarely active on here anymore.
I run a discord for moderate-severely autistic people if anyone would like to join. You can also contact me on discord @Pieplup or by email at [email protected]


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19 Aug 2016, 4:45 pm

Pieplup wrote:
I personally Like neither of them. Though when that happens you have to pick the best of the worst.
Here is the orders from best-worst
    Hillary Clinton
    Donald Trump

Sounds about right to me. If I vote at all, I do so to try and keep the most dangerous candidate out of power.


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19 Aug 2016, 5:27 pm

Hillary may be a poor candidate, but between her and Trump, I see her as being the lesser of two evils.

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19 Aug 2016, 8:49 pm

mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:

Why would it be?

I dislike social liberalism (that's Clinton) and globalism (Clinton again).

All it does is erode individual freedoms and disrupt foreign countries; things I dislike.


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19 Aug 2016, 11:06 pm

Hillary won't deprive me of health care. that is what I care about.


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20 Aug 2016, 12:50 am

I find that it is usually the policy of communistic businesses, to launder subsidies, using the bare minimum of personnel and materials, to maintain the appearances of useful activity.

Their gifts are offered under an assumption of lack, and many onerous strings are attached.

Either respective party may be considered guilty, in that Romney is first attributed to have brought Socialist healthcare to the forefront. Obama's plan was for single payer, and Trump said he would implement that.

My own sister sought testing for genetic conditions, under MISP, but was never allowed. I raised the money for private services, and found the differences akin to using public transportation, vs. owning a private vehicle, standing in a bread line, vs. using a cookbook.

I have fallen, had an object embedded in my eye, was attacked by dogs, yet was not the beggar who can never be the chooser. I am mortified by own shortcomings, everyday, but self ownership allows you the freedom of choice.

Or, you can be a number in some actuarial table.

I get claustrophobic feelings and climb literal mountains. I walk into the desert and see bleached bones. I will put out a vehicle fire. God help me, I think sedentary people will live longer. And, I am willing to make sacrifices for my beliefs. I don't understand how you can experience distance between yourself and NT people, and expect them to help you up.

In only one kind of govt, all citizens are assured equal opportunities, equal treatment, and an equal outcome. Parade attendance is mandatory. And, where are the "different" people?


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20 Aug 2016, 2:11 am

auntblabby wrote:
Hillary won't deprive me of health care. that is what I care about.

I honestly think this is one of the most important issues in the United States right now. The US is one of the ONLY developed countries that lacks a proper public healthcare system. Instead it has a f****d up privatized framework that actively denies services to people who need them just because they can't afford to pay for themselves. The reason why their wait times are shorter than ours IS BECAUSE PEOPLE AREN'T BEING TREATED. I likely wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for Tommy Douglas, the man behind Canada's healthcare system.

I have friends in the US that I care deeply about, and some of them have physical and mental health issues. I want them to be able to have consistent access to healthcare. I want all Americans to have consistent access to healthcare.

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20 Aug 2016, 2:14 am

^^^mee too!


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20 Aug 2016, 10:10 am

During major elections, countries tend to look inwards and focus on domestic issues, and the current US Presidential election is a perfect example of this. So was the UK's recent referendum on its membership of the European Union. At times like these, nations often forget about the rest of the world and their place in it. But they shouldn't.

In Europe particularly, we are watching the US Presidential campaign with fascination and growing alarm. America is the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world, and its choice of leader has a direct impact on that increasingly interconnected and yet fragmented world. While Hilary Clinton isn't the most admirable person, and has perhaps been part of the political scene in Washington for longer than is good for her and her country, the prospect of Donald Trump being elected President fills Europeans and most of the rest of the world with horror. And rightly so.

Sometimes it's useful to hear an outsider's opinion. Since voting to leave the EU, Britain's standing in the world has plummeted, and it is regarded by foreigners as a diminished nation. If the USA elects Donald Trump, the same thing will happen, only much worse, and it will damage the rest of the world.

Please think about it, America.


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20 Aug 2016, 11:10 am

Europe will have it's own bunch of Trump style populists in given time as the European Union crumbles from debt/migration issues. The UK isn't going to be the only country to leave, I am sure the EU is not too keen on allowing another country to have an in/out vote, not the biggest advocates of democracy. You don't even need a majority, just to be able to control the balance of power which will become impossible to block out sooner rather than later. I would say you are wrong that the UK's standing in the world plummeted at all from Brexit, most Americans supported it nevermind the words of globalist goon of a president saying they'd at 'the back of queue'. The UK was already seen as a 'diminished' nation, it's no longer an empire and has been a client state the EU for decades but now they've declared their independence. The PM Theresa May has pledged to improve relations with Russia which is something I strongly support as well, this needless rehash of the Cold War helps no one but defense contractors and our intelligence agencies. Any threats against America are idle ones, the dissenters will shut up once power is taken back and they have to face reality. I am more worried about improving ties with our supposed enemies which makes this a safer planet than upsetting Justin Trudeau or Angela Merkel. What are they going to do?

The US gets a crap deal from Europe with NATO; only Estonia, Poland, Greece, and the UK spend the recommended 2% of their GDP on their defense and that accounts for billions of dollars every year across Europe every year that I say is essentially owed to the United States. We're basically paying for your welfare states and infrastructure, it's not a fair transaction even tho the ruling class in the US may benefit. I think NATO is an antiquated alliance, it's time for it to be sent to the dust bin of history. We need to do what our founders wanted which is 'peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all; entangling alliances with none!'


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20 Aug 2016, 8:13 pm

I'm voting for Trump, if that's a problem oh well. I lived in Chicago in the Militant capitol of the Democratic Party and all this city is known for is despair.

mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
Hillary won't deprive me of health care. that is what I care about.

I honestly think this is one of the most important issues in the United States right now. The US is one of the ONLY developed countries that lacks a proper public healthcare system. Instead it has a f****d up privatized framework that actively denies services to people who need them just because they can't afford to pay for themselves. The reason why their wait times are shorter than ours IS BECAUSE PEOPLE AREN'T BEING TREATED. I likely wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for Tommy Douglas, the man behind Canada's healthcare system.

I have friends in the US that I care deeply about, and some of them have physical and mental health issues. I want them to be able to have consistent access to healthcare. I want all Americans to have consistent access to healthcare.

We do its called the VA and it sucks compared to our private healthcare network but democrats when they had a super majority and even used the Nuclear Option they pushed Obamacare through so Democrats have done enough to raise the cost for healthcare in this nation.

Also our heatlhcare is great I now pay a twenty dollar copay to see my doctor. If I want to see a specialist like a mental health twenty dollar co pay. Also I get to see my doctor in less than a week instead of months lol

Last edited by HisShadowX on 20 Aug 2016, 8:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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20 Aug 2016, 8:17 pm

I can't support Clinton as she wants to destroy the bill of rights starting with the 2nd. What good is her pandering to the disabled if she takes all their rights and freedoms away. She likes doesn't care about us or any non rich people anyways, it's just more lies to get votes.


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20 Aug 2016, 9:39 pm

HisShadowX wrote:
I'm voting for Trump, if that's a problem oh well. I lived in Chicago in the Militant capitol of the Democratic Party and all this city is known for is despair.

mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
Hillary won't deprive me of health care. that is what I care about.

I honestly think this is one of the most important issues in the United States right now. The US is one of the ONLY developed countries that lacks a proper public healthcare system. Instead it has a f****d up privatized framework that actively denies services to people who need them just because they can't afford to pay for themselves. The reason why their wait times are shorter than ours IS BECAUSE PEOPLE AREN'T BEING TREATED. I likely wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for Tommy Douglas, the man behind Canada's healthcare system.

I have friends in the US that I care deeply about, and some of them have physical and mental health issues. I want them to be able to have consistent access to healthcare. I want all Americans to have consistent access to healthcare.

We do its called the VA and it sucks compared to our private healthcare network but democrats when they had a super majority and even used the Nuclear Option they pushed Obamacare through so Democrats have done enough to raise the cost for healthcare in this nation.

Also our heatlhcare is great I now pay a twenty dollar copay to see my doctor. If I want to see a specialist like a mental health twenty dollar co pay. Also I get to see my doctor in less than a week instead of months lol

Obamacare wasn't implemented the right way. The problem with implementing a proper, Canadian-style system in the US is that big pharma and all the insurance companies hold waaaaaaaay too much power. They don't WANT the US to have a proper healthcare system, because that would take away from their profits. Obamacare is at best, a half-assed solution made to accomodate for the big insurance companies so that they can continue to suck people's wallets dry.

You may think paying a $20 copay is "great", but I don't have to pay one at all when I go to the doctor or the hospital! :P I even have my prescriptions covered by the Alberta government (although this is because I'm on AiSH, Alberta's disability pension).

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21 Aug 2016, 7:52 am

mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
HisShadowX wrote:
I'm voting for Trump, if that's a problem oh well. I lived in Chicago in the Militant capitol of the Democratic Party and all this city is known for is despair.

mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
Hillary won't deprive me of health care. that is what I care about.

I honestly think this is one of the most important issues in the United States right now. The US is one of the ONLY developed countries that lacks a proper public healthcare system. Instead it has a f****d up privatized framework that actively denies services to people who need them just because they can't afford to pay for themselves. The reason why their wait times are shorter than ours IS BECAUSE PEOPLE AREN'T BEING TREATED. I likely wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for Tommy Douglas, the man behind Canada's healthcare system.

I have friends in the US that I care deeply about, and some of them have physical and mental health issues. I want them to be able to have consistent access to healthcare. I want all Americans to have consistent access to healthcare.

We do its called the VA and it sucks compared to our private healthcare network but democrats when they had a super majority and even used the Nuclear Option they pushed Obamacare through so Democrats have done enough to raise the cost for healthcare in this nation.

Also our heatlhcare is great I now pay a twenty dollar copay to see my doctor. If I want to see a specialist like a mental health twenty dollar co pay. Also I get to see my doctor in less than a week instead of months lol

Obamacare wasn't implemented the right way. The problem with implementing a proper, Canadian-style system in the US is that big pharma and all the insurance companies hold waaaaaaaay too much power. They don't WANT the US to have a proper healthcare system, because that would take away from their profits. Obamacare is at best, a half-assed solution made to accomodate for the big insurance companies so that they can continue to suck people's wallets dry.

You may think paying a $20 copay is "great", but I don't have to pay one at all when I go to the doctor or the hospital! :P I even have my prescriptions covered by the Alberta government (although this is because I'm on AiSH, Alberta's disability pension).

When it comes to Canadians on this forum one thing I see a lot is people saying they are going to hold off on getting tested for autism because it's too either to much or takes to long.

I don't want to live in a society where I have to wait months or years to get treatment and the politicians tell me what treatments I can or can't have. With the advent of Obamacare we've had Chicago politicians demand doctors stop getting people's tonsils removed.

So someone like me who gets chronic throat infections have to now beg the doctors to get the treatment.

Plus free healthcare all we have to do is look at our vets who get everything free with the VA waiting months, years to get treatment.

With Obama aides telling us there is nothing to see here that veterans get sub standard care.

Every time I mention how easy it is to get a diagnosis or see a doctor someone from the UK or Canada always responds saying that it's not true cause it takes them months or years to get a diagnosis or costs them thousands of dollars if they want it quicker


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21 Aug 2016, 3:03 pm

HisShadowX wrote:
mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
HisShadowX wrote:
I'm voting for Trump, if that's a problem oh well. I lived in Chicago in the Militant capitol of the Democratic Party and all this city is known for is despair.

mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
Hillary won't deprive me of health care. that is what I care about.

I honestly think this is one of the most important issues in the United States right now. The US is one of the ONLY developed countries that lacks a proper public healthcare system. Instead it has a f****d up privatized framework that actively denies services to people who need them just because they can't afford to pay for themselves. The reason why their wait times are shorter than ours IS BECAUSE PEOPLE AREN'T BEING TREATED. I likely wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for Tommy Douglas, the man behind Canada's healthcare system.

I have friends in the US that I care deeply about, and some of them have physical and mental health issues. I want them to be able to have consistent access to healthcare. I want all Americans to have consistent access to healthcare.

We do its called the VA and it sucks compared to our private healthcare network but democrats when they had a super majority and even used the Nuclear Option they pushed Obamacare through so Democrats have done enough to raise the cost for healthcare in this nation.

Also our heatlhcare is great I now pay a twenty dollar copay to see my doctor. If I want to see a specialist like a mental health twenty dollar co pay. Also I get to see my doctor in less than a week instead of months lol

Obamacare wasn't implemented the right way. The problem with implementing a proper, Canadian-style system in the US is that big pharma and all the insurance companies hold waaaaaaaay too much power. They don't WANT the US to have a proper healthcare system, because that would take away from their profits. Obamacare is at best, a half-assed solution made to accomodate for the big insurance companies so that they can continue to suck people's wallets dry.

You may think paying a $20 copay is "great", but I don't have to pay one at all when I go to the doctor or the hospital! :P I even have my prescriptions covered by the Alberta government (although this is because I'm on AiSH, Alberta's disability pension).

When it comes to Canadians on this forum one thing I see a lot is people saying they are going to hold off on getting tested for autism because it's too either to much or takes to long.

I don't want to live in a society where I have to wait months or years to get treatment and the politicians tell me what treatments I can or can't have. With the advent of Obamacare we've had Chicago politicians demand doctors stop getting people's tonsils removed.

So someone like me who gets chronic throat infections have to now beg the doctors to get the treatment.

Plus free healthcare all we have to do is look at our vets who get everything free with the VA waiting months, years to get treatment.

With Obama aides telling us there is nothing to see here that veterans get sub standard care.

Every time I mention how easy it is to get a diagnosis or see a doctor someone from the UK or Canada always responds saying that it's not true cause it takes them months or years to get a diagnosis or costs them thousands of dollars if they want it quicker

I had a $3000 neuropsychologist's assessment given to me free by the Alberta government, and that's how I got my current diagnosis. Maybe the healthcare in other provinces isn't as good, but Alberta's is certainly decent.

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21 Aug 2016, 6:48 pm

Hyperborean wrote:
Please think about it, America.

americans are too horseblindered to care about what the rest of the world thinks. pray for us, please.