StarTrekker wrote:
It creates a different way of seeing the world. The reason dyslexics have such a hard time reading is because they see everything in three dimensions, rotating images in their minds and constructing excellent mental replicas of things. It is this three dimensional rotation which causes them to jumble up the letters of words. This unique thought process can make people very creative, and incredible with directions. My mom and my sister are both dyslexic, and they have amazing navigational skills. My sister was helping my grandma navigate to places she'd only been to once by the time she was five. My mom and my sister are both amazing artists too; my mom teaches a painting class at a studio in town, and my sister can perfectly recreate images, even people which are extremely difficult, just by looking at a picture. I don't think either of them would be able to do this if they weren't dyslexic.
I have severe dyslexia and I do not see three dimentional rotating image sinside my mind. I have aphantasia and I see nothing at all inside my mind, unless I'm asleep and dreaming. The reason I found it hard to read and write is because the words and letters moved around on the paper, like little black tadpoles, so that letters like bdhgp all looked exactly the same, as did letters like ftj. I was a pretty decent artist but
only if the subject was present or I was using a photograph to work from, so essentially all I was doing was copying a visual image onto paper or canvas. Often I'd copy old photographs for people but on many occasions the imagery I was copying meant absolutely nothing to me, I didn't understand
what i was drawing but that didn't prevent me from faithfully reproduced it. I can find my way to anywhere, without ever having been there previously, people often think that I have an inate sense of direction but it's far simpler than that. It's just a matter of basic geography combined with common sense. If, like me, you live in Liverpool and wished to drive to somewhere in Scotland you should know, thanks to basic geography, that you need to head north, you don't need a map or sat nav for that, as you get closer to your chosen location you use common sense and simply follow signs. It works every time, I never get lost.
Gamsediog biptol ap simdeg Bimog, toto absolimoth dep nimtec gwarg. Am in litipol wedi memsodth tobetreg bim nib.
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