firemonkey wrote:
lissa1212 wrote:
For those of you who have aphantasia, do you picture things in your dreams? My dreams are often quite vivid, which I find odd given my poor mental visualization ability when conscious.
That's a good question. It's one I struggle to give an answer to. My dream recall, as in just generally remembering a dream I've had, is poor . Trying to remember whether I've pictured things when recalling a dream is even more difficult.
When I was younger, I didn't remember much in the way of my dreams. The one fairly common theme that I remember is going to school but forgetting to put my clothes on.
Then in the early 1990s, I was working and also teaching classes three days a week at a university about 40 miles away. I would often work until about 4 am, get a couple of hours sleep, get up, shave, shower, and drive to the university to teach an 8 am class.
For a while I would take a nap after I got back. Then I got to where I was just sleeping the two hours a day but about once every 8 to 10 days I would crash for hours. Then I got to where I just slept two hours a day.
One consequence of this is that I stopped dreaming. For the next ten years, I would sleep two hours a day and have a dream maybe once or twice a year.
Then I got some kind of infection and my sleep extended to about three to four hours a day. And then a couple of years later to about six hours a day.
My dreams came back and for the last 15 years, I have been dreaming far more than before and found them much easier to remember. I also don't seem to have to go all the way to a really deep state of sleep to dream anymore.
A couple of weeks ago, I woke up one morning, looked at the clock, and since I didn't need to get back up soon, I went back to sleep and immediately continued the dream that I was having when I woke up. There wasn't time to go back to any deep state of sleep.