richardbenson wrote:
SteveK wrote:
richardbenson wrote:
Claradoon wrote:
The personal stress of pretending to be normal and desperately seeking to be accepted socially and by coworkers, not to mention trying to gain parental approval, is enough to make anybody very sick indeed.
i would disagree. if you pretend to be normal, you dont have it. if you have it and you cant help it, it shows.
Before there was a diagnosis, MOST people pretended to be normal! To a degree you certainly CAN pretend to be normal if you don't have some comorbids. Some things CAN'T easily be hidden and they are either seen as quirks, or avoided. Steel Maiden DOES sound like she has AS.
if most people had to pretend to be normal before there was an official dx and then try to act like they have aspergers theres nothing left to be said. aspergers shows. and it shows up bigtime. qualified people (doctors) know how to look for it. if they have it they have it. and i wasnt talking about steelmaiden. i was talking about claradoon
I didn't say I pretended successfully. I just expended a lot of energy on trying to. I've been isolated my whole life. But over 30 years working in offices, I learned eye-contact, although I couldn't hear at the same time. I never did learn to smile but I tried. I was always the office weirdo, and I got fired a lot. Since I was extremely good at my work, they usually let me stay a year or two and then I'd be out on the street again.
Doctors can spot it? Not prior to 1994, it wasn't defined in the DSM-IV till then. I worked until 1997, then crashed forever. That was the cost of all that trying to act normal so I could keep a job.