I do, but so far trips that take around three hours at most have been the maximum. Last summer I planned to go to an event in a city that is around 5-6 hours car drive away (I was supposed to go with a bus, having to switch busses only once), but mom made a fuss and dad decided to take me there with his car to shut her up... and I suppose he was a bit worried, too. I get lost very easily since I have hard time with reading maps and... understand my surroundings? I don't know how to say it in English and google translate isn't helping. The panic that I often get if I get lost or things don't go as planned is also a problem, not to mention stressing about the possibility of such a panic attack happening.
I go to events in bigger cities that are around a few hour car drives away a few times a year, and these days usually go alone or with my little sister or her friends who make me do all the planning, so that is close to going alone. These trips usually go well since the events are almost always in the same places, which are places I'm used to and know how to get to them from the bus stations. Usually I walk from a bus station to the event, or hotel if the event isn't open yet, but if the weather is really terrible, it's really cold or just dark outside then I take a taxi. So far I haven't used the local busses since they make me stress too much as I have to find out which stop do I get the right bus from and where to find that stop, find out which bus will take me where I want to go, find out how much it costs (well, this one is easy), find out where to get off and then find out how to find the destination from there! A taxi costs much more, but it's just so much simpler.
When it comes to the place I sleep in if I'm staying the night, I can arrange those things on my own. However, when something goes wrong, like the time they had accidentally cancelled my reservation, I often go in to a panic and can't handle things. Mom took care of that for me. However, when I have everything planned ahead and things actually go according to plans, I really enjoy traveling.
I never take a train. I've been in a train once in my life (twice if you count the fact that I had to switch trains) and that was with my sister when I was a teenager. I just don't know how to get in to a train and all that... it's probably really simple and I'd learn it if I tried, but so far there hasn't been any need and I don't like the idea of having to learn it alone.
I've been abroad four times. Twice by ship, twice by flying, and none of these have been alone. It's not like I don't like the idea of traveling alone, but since I'm bad at the very basics of handling things that have to do with traveling, like booking tickets, hotel and what to do at the airport etc. I honestly don't think traveling alone would be that smart for me. There's also the fact that if something goes wrong, I would have to try to fix things in a language I'm not too comfortable speaking, so things I could handle in my home country could become very hard elsewhere. When I get better at this stuff (if I do) then I'll definitely travel alone if I can't find decent company as long as I have money, but before that? No way... unless it's a well guided trip that old people around here tend to use.
All that said, I'm proud of myself for going to my aunt's place for her birthday today, alone. While she lives at the neighboring city and I've actually been there before, I was really nervous. I've only ever been there with my mom, in her car so I didn't really need to pay attention to where we were going or look for landmarks, not to mention she always drives there from the opposite direction of where the bus comes from. Now, I went there with a bus, or two busses to be exact. The first bus I could easily handle since it took me to a place where I often go to, but from there I had to first find the other bus and then pay close attention to when to get off... in the end I ended up jumping off a few stops too soon, but I had a phone and google maps so all went well. Might actually visit her more often; I need more social life.