Miranda wrote:
I would gladly sacrafice my intelligence to have real friends and someone to love. Sadly, it doesn't work that way. I feel like having a nice career in my future isn't worth not having anything good to come home to after work. I started college, but am putting it off for a couple years to move to a different city, where I can work on my social skills.
And as long as you have that attitude, you will never have real friends or someone to love. People who love you (whether in the sense of eros or agape) love you for who you
are, not who you
pretend to be. If you create a pretend person to portray, there are those who will hang around that, but they'll never get to know
you - until the first time you get exhausted in their presence and break through the facade, at which point they'll either get to know you or go away because you lied to them. Building a granfaloon is never the solution to loneliness; it just leaves you without even yourself for company. A sad state of affairs, indeed...
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.