Star wrote:
Oh my gosh! You guys take all different medications for depression? Why do you do that? I have also been very depressed for months at a time, thought of sleeping and not waking up so depressed I was, but I would never trust chemicals to fix it. These make you depend on them and cause so many more side effects...
I alwasy turn to my obsessions and spend my time in them until I can surface again. Cry a lot and I mean a LOT! Frequent meltdowns that can last for hours at a time, some times daily, black black days, but even when they forced me to take Prozac I didn't. Threw away the pills, or didn't use the prescription the second time.
I have always surfaced from my depressions. Yeah, up and down. Gain weight loose weight as I tend to also eat more when I am depressed. But no pills. I refuse to put chemicals in my body that can affect my thinking process and my reasoning. No way! I'd rather have the freaking pain.
Yeah, I am the same way with being sketchy about pills... I don't even take an advil unless I have a
really bad headache for at least a day or so. But although I'm depressed usually, I don't cry at all, haven't for a couple years at least. Even at really sad movies (What Dreams May Come got me kinda close though). Maybe I'm just detached enough now?
People have different levels of depression and differing abilities to deal with it. And judging by the rate sucide certainly many people can not find any treatment. I'm not going back to the old days of constant thoughts of suicide.