Zeno wrote:
Does anyone notice that their autism actually worsens with age? Mine certainly does. When I was growing up and my brain was still expanding, I slept a lot, behaved oddly but I did not feel the worst effects like the running mind or the meltdowns. Now that I am in my thirties, and far more aware of the limitations that autism imposes on me, I find that the effects of autism really hits me. Maybe when I was young and there were not that many bad memories to recall, the running mind problem does not get to show me a slide show of the worst moments of my life over and over again. Happiness is just one of the prerogatives of innocence. But as I age, the effects on my body becomes ever more pronounced. I started noticing irregularities in my heart rate and beat when I was in my early twenties. It would come and it would go. Since I exercise regularly, I am by no means unfit. The physiological symptoms coincides perfectly with the rhythm of slipping in and out of autistic impairment.
Does anyone else amongst the more mature members of this community have the same experience?
Yes, I'm very similar to this; for many years I had the problem of being sensitive to how others perceived me, more times than I can count has the question "what's wrong?" escaped me.
However only last year I would freak out in a manner like this - for instance ending up in tears due to missing a commercial my brother wished me to see, which would be repeated anyway! But I felt that I'd let him down, thus the activation of the running mind and meltdowns. A few major incidents like this, and only have they begun last year [I'm 21].