Aspergers but really no routines
Skilpadde wrote:
I sleep when I'm tired, wake up when I do, and eat when I'm hungry. I would hate to have a strict routine on it or anything else. I wanna do whatever I'm doing for as long as I wish or until I'm finished. The closest thing I have to a routine is that I wake up and take care of basic needs on daily basis and I do something related to some of my interests every day. When and what depends on what I feel like. Oh and I also procrastinate a lot.
If only I was paid to live like this, life would pretty much be perfect.
If only I was paid to live like this, life would pretty much be perfect.
I stay up until I am so tired that I cannot think straight or put myself to bed. I wake up so many times in one night that I never know when to finally get up. I do not eat until I am so hungry that I feel sick and cannot cook a meal.
This is not procrastination though. I do not notice the signals from my body so I cannot depend on them; I need a routine to take care of my health. I also perseverate on tasks so I never get the feeling that I have done enough to be satisfied and even if I finished it I still continue the task; I need a routine to take care of my responsibilities.
31st of July, 2013
Diagnosed: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Auditory-Verbal Processing Speed Disorder, and Visual-Motor Processing Speed Disorder.
Weak Emerging Social Communicator (The Social Thinking-Social Communication Profile by Michelle Garcia Winner, Pamela Crooke and Stephanie Madrigal)
"I am silently correcting your grammar."

I'm exactly the same as Skilpadde and the OP in these respects: no regular sleeping hours, meal times etc. I became like this when I was at college, and it's undoubtedly my 'natural' state of being, despite my having to suppress it when I had a 'career', for obvious reasons. A woman whom I unwisely allowed to share my flat for a few weeks about ten years ago told me that I was 'completely unsocialized'. That was meant as a scathing criticism, but I wasn't the least bit offended or surprised by it, though no-one had made the point quite so bluntly before. Looking back I think she was probably a spectrumite too, and maybe a paranoid schizophrenic - that's not relevant to the post or the thread, just an 'added value' comment.....