LadyMacbeth wrote:
I prefer to take a backseat if I can't have my revenge directly. Ppl who have wronged me tend to get their come-uppance eventually, and it's satisfying that I didn't have to do anything at all to make it happen. Such things as the girl who bullied me at school is now laden with 2 kids before she's turned 20 and the boyfriend has left already, that kinda thing. Makes me grin, in a slightly sadistic way.
Yes, I, too am quite satisfied with letting Karma take its course. However that is not to say I won't ah. . .push things along. let me explain.
My apartment got flooded out, because the apartment above me hot water heater had been leaking for about a month into the sheet rock walls of my apartment, the leak got worse and worse until I could hear the splashing in the walls when I was on my computer on WP! The building was built with PVC pipe for plumbing - yes, I am no housing inspector, but even I know that plastic pipe is not a good idea for a permanent structure. I was mightily inconvenienced as they tore back the carpets and blew the pictures off the walls with the industrial drying fans, etc in my two room efficiency.
The management did not care - about my inconvenience or my very real Aspie trauma - was told to "don't worry about it!" and then they promptly left town for the week. When I protested and let t hem know I wanted money off my rent for putting up with it for 5 days they told me "no, we incurred charges cleaning up the water damage and we can't extend you any remuneration." That did it, I knew I had to move as quickly as possible before they made me pay for the whole thing!
Struggling to deal with this and a full time job, as well, I started to feel choked up like I couldn't breathe, my throat closing up, etc. I knew this as the sign of the curse of the Pacific Northwest - black mold. I gave my thirty day notice immediately and packed up, moved and sure enough, in the back of the closet, the tell tale tip of the iceberg, it was infesting the carpet pad and all into the sheet rock walls. I took pictures.
So I went through their fol-de-rol of getting back my rental deposits, what they SAID and what they DID being two different things -( but I wasn't too surprised, as I could not get what they SAID in writing. . .) They rented the apartment immediately after I left, and I waited and finally got my deposits back, minus carpet cleaning and damages because of the FLOOD.
So I wrote a nice polite letter to the City Housing authority enclosing the pictures of the mold in the back of the closet and described the management's practices and sent one to the management as well. It is against State and City laws to rent with black mold in the building. . .where ever the City inspectors find the mold will have to be renovated as well as hefty fines for renting KNOWING there was black mold already there.
She who laughs last, laughs best