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03 Jun 2007, 11:55 pm

Not for me. Though I'm older and have more degrees.
Of course, I'm as loony as can be, but that's what
is to be expected from extreme skepticism. I don't
even buy the supposed existence of the things that
your comic book character sees as evidence of meaning.


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03 Jun 2007, 11:58 pm

Ramsus wrote:
A: Starbuline is my homey, I can call her a wench.

*loads shotgun*

I was sad when I found that she left
But then I found
That I could speak to her,
In a way
And sadness turned to comfort
We all go there


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04 Jun 2007, 12:01 am

KBABZ wrote:
Ramsus wrote:
A: Starbuline is my homey, I can call her a wench.

*loads shotgun*

It doesn't matter.


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04 Jun 2007, 12:01 am

KBABZ wrote:
Ramsus wrote:
A: Starbuline is my homey, I can call her a wench.

*loads shotgun*

Might I suggest nine dimes in each barrel?


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04 Jun 2007, 12:02 am

Mimus ets fabula. This farce is over, and I'll bugger off. It's obvious nothing will change his mind.

(No longer a mod)

On sabbatical...


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04 Jun 2007, 12:11 am

You do not state them, you broadcast them, and whenever people respond (in, what I think, is a natural manner), you squash them. Your response to my calling you out is to dodge the issue. Therefore, you will not submit to any discussion of your so-called 'principles', reasoned or otherwise. You will just express contrary opinions, rather than discuss them.

I broadcast them..? How? I am forced into using the basic forum controls to post in the same method as everyone else. I type an opinion into this little white box and click "submit". Can you explain what you mean? In addition, isn't what we're doing right now discussing opinions and principles? Also, in your desperation to sneak in an attack on me, it seems you've stated a completely ridiculous little tidbit about me "dodging the issue." O RLY?! So you consider me having this conversation with you to be "dodging the issue?" How about you dodging the issue of failing to provide any evidence to your earlier claim of me being completely out of control?

I have been through 8 more years of hell than you, I have been through (and still going through) an existential crisis like you would not believe, and I am depressed. But I have at least achieved something. I have a degree, and am working on another. I have made it through school without going insane (something I came close to). I have friends and a loving parent, and am relatively happy and satisfied with my life.

Oh boohoo, I'm not your f*****g therapist. I'm not boring you with my drama, so save me the trouble of having to read through yours.

So I suggest that you change your attitude. If you want to think of a statistical anomaly, think of life. Have you ever read the graphic novel Watchmen? There's an interesting point. One character thinks life has no meaning, until he realises that the statistical improbability of people being born, of life existing, is as statistically impossible as air spontaneously turning into gold.

As often as I argue in favor of Evolution, I am in no way atheist or even pro-evolution. In fact, I'm outright against the belief. Your little implication about evolution being statistically improbable does not bother me.

Is that enough of an argument for you?

Say what you want. I respect you for confronting me to face to face and having this discussion without unloading needless insults my way.

When angels are forced out of heaven, they become devils.


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04 Jun 2007, 1:59 am

I don't want to KILL anybody myself... I'd rather hire someone for it... :P

I am normally mild towards people who don't like me but if someone has really done something to make me spiteful, I'll make them be sorry... if someone has done me wrong, I won't ever think of them neutrally until I've had my revenge. I'm not violent anymore, so I don't hit anyone for revenge (I end up getting hit nowadays).

Instead, I've developped a certain creativity for verbally insulting people... which usually makes them cry (especially the girls lol)... and unlike them, I don't need some people behind me to protect me and cheer me on.

And that is my revenge... because I make them feel just as angry, if not more as I was when THEY did something wrong to me.


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04 Jun 2007, 2:04 am

I F*** people up if they have earned it.

Hey little sister what have you done?
Hey little sister who?s the only one?


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04 Jun 2007, 2:13 am

Wow, That feud took a good 2 or three pages!

Anyway, I often daydream of sparking a silent revolution that will turn the tables on the current dominators of western society. One that will implement an individualist-anarchist system with a mutualist economy. That's my idea of revenge.

Though sometimes I daydream of world domination. I fantasize of imposing a system that will allow Aspi type "gentle intellectuals" to rule invisibly and equally while egotistical boneheads do all the hard labour. They can keep their primitive animal heirarchies as long as they don't bother us gentle, intelligent people.

My god! I'm becoming a monster 8O
Oh well.

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04 Jun 2007, 2:22 am

I prefer to take a backseat if I can't have my revenge directly. Ppl who have wronged me tend to get their come-uppance eventually, and it's satisfying that I didn't have to do anything at all to make it happen. Such things as the girl who bullied me at school is now laden with 2 kids before she's turned 20 and the boyfriend has left already, that kinda thing. Makes me grin, in a slightly sadistic way.

l'esprit de l'escalier
l'esprit de l'escalier

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04 Jun 2007, 2:25 am

I don't daydream about revenge, other than the kind where the person who wronged me ends up seeing me all successful and happy. But that's not ever really going to happen, since the type of person likely to hurt me isn't likely to see "success" in the same light.


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04 Jun 2007, 8:07 am

LadyMacbeth wrote:
I prefer to take a backseat if I can't have my revenge directly. Ppl who have wronged me tend to get their come-uppance eventually, and it's satisfying that I didn't have to do anything at all to make it happen. Such things as the girl who bullied me at school is now laden with 2 kids before she's turned 20 and the boyfriend has left already, that kinda thing. Makes me grin, in a slightly sadistic way.

Yes, I, too am quite satisfied with letting Karma take its course. However that is not to say I won't ah. . .push things along. let me explain.

My apartment got flooded out, because the apartment above me hot water heater had been leaking for about a month into the sheet rock walls of my apartment, the leak got worse and worse until I could hear the splashing in the walls when I was on my computer on WP! The building was built with PVC pipe for plumbing - yes, I am no housing inspector, but even I know that plastic pipe is not a good idea for a permanent structure. I was mightily inconvenienced as they tore back the carpets and blew the pictures off the walls with the industrial drying fans, etc in my two room efficiency.
The management did not care - about my inconvenience or my very real Aspie trauma - was told to "don't worry about it!" and then they promptly left town for the week. When I protested and let t hem know I wanted money off my rent for putting up with it for 5 days they told me "no, we incurred charges cleaning up the water damage and we can't extend you any remuneration." That did it, I knew I had to move as quickly as possible before they made me pay for the whole thing!
Struggling to deal with this and a full time job, as well, I started to feel choked up like I couldn't breathe, my throat closing up, etc. I knew this as the sign of the curse of the Pacific Northwest - black mold. I gave my thirty day notice immediately and packed up, moved and sure enough, in the back of the closet, the tell tale tip of the iceberg, it was infesting the carpet pad and all into the sheet rock walls. I took pictures.

So I went through their fol-de-rol of getting back my rental deposits, what they SAID and what they DID being two different things -( but I wasn't too surprised, as I could not get what they SAID in writing. . .) They rented the apartment immediately after I left, and I waited and finally got my deposits back, minus carpet cleaning and damages because of the FLOOD.

So I wrote a nice polite letter to the City Housing authority enclosing the pictures of the mold in the back of the closet and described the management's practices and sent one to the management as well. It is against State and City laws to rent with black mold in the building. . .where ever the City inspectors find the mold will have to be renovated as well as hefty fines for renting KNOWING there was black mold already there.

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04 Jun 2007, 8:12 am

I daydream about killing political leaders and notorious wrongdoers.


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04 Jun 2007, 8:25 am

To reiterate too much:

Yeah...I want to kill everyone, those deserving and those not deserving; I'm sure I'd enjoy it more when dropping the hammer on those who I hated. I think it's my OCD and its intrusive thoughts though..., ASD can add to it due to the frustration and derision one can experience when interacting with society.

My mind is a fun, humorous and homicidal place.


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04 Jun 2007, 9:42 am

I think it's fine if one thinks about killing people.


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04 Jun 2007, 1:28 pm

Starbuline wrote:
I think it's fine if one thinks about killing people.

I get sad and worried when people I like thinks that way sometimes
I am paranoid, I would think you are going after me :(
But it's just me being ridiculous I guess