HistoryGal wrote:
They find the time......and than b***h about being so busy. My response to people like that is..."duh, you chose all these activities so don't tell me how hard it is."
Facebook really sucks as it gives NTs yet another platform to be cruel to each other and us.
So not only do these parents exhaust their kids, they exhaust themselves.
I agree that it's cruel but to succeed in the NT's world these kids have to get used to exhausting 10 or 12 hour days.
What these kids are subjected to buy their parents is no less than their boss will expect of them.
They need to get used to working while exhausted so they can work their way through college. After that they need to be used to exhaustion for the careers. There are plenty of careers where 12 hour days are the norm.
It's cruel to make kids go through these long gruelling days but no more cruel than the rest of the rest of the world will be to them. It sets the standard of hectic exhaustion that will continue until they reach retirement.
The days are long, but the years are short