Roo95 wrote:
I'm thinking this might be a result of my aspergers and wondering if anyone else sucks at this too. But I can't interact with children or babies at all. I don't know how to. It really makes me feel down because I do love kids as I have 4 nephews and neices who are all toddlers and babies and I know I'll never ever have a connection with them or be part of their lives. When around them, even if they show interest in wanting me to play with them, for example my 1 year old nice will crawl over to me and stare at me, and I'll just sit there in silence and things like this make people think I'm horrible, cold hearted and hate kids which I don't. Its just as I say I don't know how to play or interact with them. I humiliated myself yesterday on Christmas day when my 1 year old nice came over to me and my sister told me to play with her and try bond with her and I just admitted that I don't know how to. This also makes people think I'm antisocial and can't be bothered. I have a friend I like to go visit on his farm sometimes and he has a lovely little daughter who is 2 years old and often he will go and get her when I'm visiting him and I dread it because he will try and get me to talk and interact with her and as I don't know how to, things get awkward. I just become confused because you obviously can't talk to them like adults, I really don't know how else to talk to them. If I ever met someone later in life, I would love kids of my own but it wouldn't work out because of everything explained above.
It sounds like you're being asked to perform, like you would be on a stage with people watching, judging your performance of bonding with children. I've had that a few times and freezes me out - my reaction is justified imho.
But I am actually good with kids, I like them and they like me. But the 'audition' in front of people for 'the ability to bond' with their precious centre of the universe - nope, I can't do that. In fact, that prevents me from playing with kids. It's just another form of trying to win the approval of others, and it will be discussed later - no wonder you don't do that!
The truth about kids is that - if the grown-ups will disappear - is that kids are the most authentic and easy to be with. All the times I say the wrong thing - kids think it's natural. It's their own way of talking anyway. And as for topics - you can leave out 'knowing' anything. You can ask kids stuff - once I was out after a rain and ran into a child and asked him, "Are there worms?" He gave me the exact status of the worm population in the neighbourhood, including recommendations as to adult walking.
What I'm trying to say is that you're not doing a performance for a rating - good on you. It's not got anything to do with whether you get along with kids. Just remember that for your own self-esteem. For people, maybe just say, "I don't do that," and look at something else.