AllanLionChild wrote:
Prior to 1927, a Danish police executive named 'Mensen' pitched the idea of a Danish FBI. A team of specialist police officers who could assist local police forces in their work, should it be lacking in any way.
His idea was shot down. However, as a significant number of arson related incidents started to happen around the country, the local police divisions were at a loss to figure out what was happening. Between 1925 and 1927, a total of 47 fires happened, and the average percentage of solved cases fell from 81% to 46%. So with all of Denmark's insurance companies begging for someone to do something, Mensen's dream came true; Rejseholdet was born on August 23rd 1927.
At first, they were only supposed to deal with the arsons, but were later granted access to 70 old murder case files, that had gone cold, where the oldest was from 1825!
Rejseholdet did good, both on arson cases (the thing it was born to do) but also murder cases, kidnappings, rape, narcotics smugling etc. It became very popular with the general public.
A tv-series by the name Rejseholdet (English name: Unit One) aired in 2000, and followed a main cast of 7 characters for 32 episodes. All episodes were based on real cases that the real Rejsehold had dealt with over the years, though with altered names and locations, potentially also some altered details to spare the victims and their families.
Additionally, The Fibonacci Sequence
The Fibonacci sequence can, as many people know, be found in nature all around us, if not at least the principles of it. The number of spirals on a pine cone, turning each way. The segments of a pineapple. How branches sprout from a tree, and how leaves sprout from a branch, in order to get the optimal exposure to sunlight. The spirals in which sunflower seeds are sorted, so that it can contain as many seeds as possible. And the ever so famous nautilus shell, although that one is actually a logarithmic spiral, not a golden spiral.
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987...
The numbers themselves can be toyed with in fascinating ways.
Take two numbers from the sequence, following each other (89 and 55 as an example) and divide the two: 1,61818181818... However, the first 3 decimals are the ones that matter: 1:1,618. This is also known as The Golden Ratio, phi. Some people see this as a sign of god. I don't know really.
Another fun thing to do is:
Take a number, let's say 3 for simplicity.
Divide 3 with each number in the fibonacci sequence, but only by 'wholes', and write down what remains.
Example: 13/3 = 4 + 1 = 1 is the remaining number and the one that is important right here.
So, using that principle, here goes with the number 3...
0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1...
Do you see that?
It repeats itself in 0 1 1 2 0 2 2 1
You can take any number, follow this principle, and it will give you an additional sequence that repeats itself, over and over again (some of them are longer than others).
I don't think I ever heard of a police force being popular before. In my country relations between police and the people they protect are kind of strained to say the least. The reasons for that are better left in the alternative subjects forum. Still I am glad things were a little different with Rejseholdet.
As for the. The Fibonacci Sequence. I used to be good at finding number patterns, but my mind is going with age so you lost me with the second one @_@. IT's cool though.