ASPartOfMe wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
My parents sent me to zillions of shrinks. They varied widely in compentence. But none ever gave me meds. So my vast and varied experience is out of date, or not typical, or something.
When we were growing up it was the era of Freudian psychology which said mothers were to blame for whatever ailed you and the cure was hours upon (billable) hours on the couch. In recent years chemical imbalances are blamed and drugs are supposed to fix these. Also, the culture has changed. Psychotherapy is a long process and people want fixes NOW.
Yes. I differ about a few details, but definitely agree with the main thrust of your description of how shrink culture has evolved since then.
My dad got at least as much "blame" as did my mom, if not more. Lol! And rightfully so. We were a rather neurotic family. Pure "Freudian analysis" was passe' long before the Sixties. But you're right that in general way Freud still dominated the thinking of therapists then, and that (a) folks put up with long years of talk therapy with only microscopic results back then, and (b) the mental health communityg adhered to the theory that everything is the result of bad parenting. So putting your kid into therapy always started off with the focus being on what is wrong with the kid, and then always progressed to focusing on what is wrong with the both parents, and then always ended up with focusing on what was wrong the grandparents.
It also meant they didn't dispense pills as freely as they do today ( that might have been a good thing that they didn't do that so much then. I don't know).
But it also meant that no therapist would ever consider the possibility that you might have some inborn condition like adhd, or like being on the high end of the autism spectrum ( and this was LONG before autism was even thought of as a spectrum). Everything is environment, and everything is bad parenting. Had to be. If you go by analogy to computers it was as if they treated everything as a software problem, and never treated anything as a hardware problem. So they spent long hours on talk therapy to change your programming from the original bad software presumably put into you by bad parents. Today they go right to the hardware and give you pills to change the actual chemistry of your brain. But also they entertain the notion that you could be something like dyslexic, or autistic, which is a wiring problem, and not a software problem.