To the OP:
hollowmoon wrote:
People keep saying that I'm quiet because I think "I'm better than others". What does that mean? Better at what, I don't understand... and what does this have to do with being quiet?
It means that the person who judges you for being quiet doesn't understand, and hasn't taken the time to learn about mutism, shutdowns or introverted / shy behaviour. Your quiet demeanour doesn't mean you are are haughty; chances are they are wrong in their conclusions.
kraftiekortie wrote:
People who think they are "better" than others often don't think they should condescend to talk to those "others." Hence, they are silent.
I hope you don't believe the inverse is true. People with selective mutism or mutism, or people who are in shutdown and unable to find their words, don't feel they are better than others. In fact, it's frequently the opposite. This stereotype makes it even more challenging for quiet people to find their voice, because they feel they are being judged before they've even said a word.
Raleigh wrote:
It seems ironic that the people saying "you think you're better than others" are the ones who think they have the right to judge you, and consequently think they're better than you.
Exactly. This is so true, Raleigh.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.