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12 Jan 2019, 4:02 am

I think I need more sleep because of the psych meds I'm on. I didn't need as much sleep as a kid & teen when I wasn't on meds. I was also very stressed from going to skewl then & living with my parents & my mom was very critical of my various disabilities, issues & quirks. I'm living with my girlfriend nowadays & am alot happier & I'm not working or have much going on in my life & I need more sleep. I'm on 4 psych meds thou. I need the meds cuz I was very unstable before them & screwed up both my 1st two relationships due to my unstable mental health.

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12 Jan 2019, 12:18 pm

I've always needed much more sleep than everybody else I know, except my AS daughter. I sleep about 10 hours at night.


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13 Jan 2019, 6:42 am

komamanga wrote:
I need more sleep than anybody I know, 12+ hours if possible...
Now you know another person who needs the same. Always slept well right from when I was a baby.

I can go to bed at 9pm and then sleep until 11am the next day. Toilet visits and drinks in between.

Today I was woken by the cats at 7:30am, so I fed them and then went back to bed until 10:30am.

I'm a very light sleeper so I do wonder if that's why I need many hours of sleep.


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13 Jan 2019, 6:47 am

I don't have an issue with sleep. Every now and then I'll get one night out of the blue that's kinda restless but its not a continuous issue for me.


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13 Jan 2019, 4:26 pm

I slept from 11:30 to 10:30 again last night.
I hope I wake earlier tomorrow.


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13 Jan 2019, 4:33 pm

Im so jealous. Everyone on here gets like several hours of sleep a night every night ㅠ.ㅠ

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13 Jan 2019, 4:39 pm

renaeden wrote:
komamanga wrote:
I need more sleep than anybody I know, 12+ hours if possible...
Now you know another person who needs the same. Always slept well right from when I was a baby.

I can go to bed at 9pm and then sleep until 11am the next day. Toilet visits and drinks in between.

Today I was woken by the cats at 7:30am, so I fed them and then went back to bed until 10:30am.

I'm a very light sleeper so I do wonder if that's why I need many hours of sleep.

I'm exactly like that too. I wake up many times in the night (and in the morning) and go back to sleep again.


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13 Jan 2019, 6:02 pm

i'm always waking up randomly during the nights where i get like, 5 hours of sleep before thr days where i have to get up for work at like 5 AM



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15 Jan 2019, 4:39 pm

Prometheus18 wrote:
BTDT wrote:
You may get less sleep because of a bad environment. Many Aspies are sensitive to loud noises, for instance.
I run an air cleaner next to my bed to generate noise that masks noise from passing cars. When it is running I don't even hear horns beeping.

I usually just wear earplugs for this purpose. They are only effective up to about 30dB (a quiet car in the street outside), but they are fairly efficient at at least dulling louder noises. If conditions are particularly bad or I particularly need to concentrate, I'll set my radio to between stations and use the white noise to drown out any remaining sound. We get a lot of artificially loudened motorbiker troglodytes where I live, so when these pond life specimens are out on the street, the white noise usually goes on.

I'm having this issue too. I need to buy a white noise machine. I can't maintain a sleeping a cycle of 3-4 hours per night.

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15 Jan 2019, 4:41 pm

Not an aspie thing, not a woman thing, not a cold weather thing...

Turns out my cat has been waking me at 7 and I've been thinking it was about 4 and going back to sleep for 3 hours.

Trying not to be angry with her but that's annoying.


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15 Jan 2019, 11:58 pm

Gallia wrote:
Prometheus18 wrote:
BTDT wrote:
You may get less sleep because of a bad environment. Many Aspies are sensitive to loud noises, for instance.
I run an air cleaner next to my bed to generate noise that masks noise from passing cars. When it is running I don't even hear horns beeping.

I usually just wear earplugs for this purpose. They are only effective up to about 30dB (a quiet car in the street outside), but they are fairly efficient at at least dulling louder noises. If conditions are particularly bad or I particularly need to concentrate, I'll set my radio to between stations and use the white noise to drown out any remaining sound. We get a lot of artificially loudened motorbiker troglodytes where I live, so when these pond life specimens are out on the street, the white noise usually goes on.

I'm having this issue too. I need to buy a white noise machine. I can't maintain a sleeping a cycle of 3-4 hours per night.

you might be better off getting yourself a largish HEPA air filter with negative ion generator, it will do three things-
*generate a nice dense brown noise which masks external [outside] sounds effectively
*the dense brown noise will be relaxing, soporific
*the negative ion generator [helps the filter trap airborne contaminants] is also soporific
*the cleaner lighter bedroom air is also soporific
*most units have operating lights which can one way or another be dimmed if you don't want a night light.
it is "win-win." :idea: