graceksjp wrote:
Im kinda confused......the test was like 80% basic math, 18% vocabulary, 1% pattern recognition and 1% other. No offense, but that doesnt seem like a good judge of actual "intelligence". I got a perfect score on both short and long, but those are my strongest subjects! Why is math and language the only things used? I feel like a simple 10 minute online test cant possible determine actual intelligence.....its more testing how fast you are at math. The math problems, vocabulary and "spot the difference" questions are very basic. The time limit is the only truly hard part.
(I did a professionally administered full length IQ analysis as a child so I know my actual number. This online test wouldve had me thinking I was some kind of Einstein!)
Yeah, online tests can't tell you that much. These seem better than most. I just took the long test and scored 138, which is not too far off my official score. Online tests also can't give you a break down of intelligences.
From my official WAIS, my VCI is above 99.9% while my processing speed is in the 34%.
"Ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge is power."