Difference in support in Level 1 and Level 2 Autism?

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03 Jun 2019, 7:17 pm

I haven't seen you in quite a while, Lumi.

I'm glad you're back.


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03 Jun 2019, 7:35 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
I haven't seen you in quite a while, Lumi. I'm glad you're back.

I needed a break from here, but visited from time to time. Thanks.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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12 Sep 2019, 11:44 am

in September 2018, got diagnosed with

social: level 2
restrictive: level 3

can only do certain things for short periods of time

was doing really well for a year, after ditching psychiatrist from misdiagnosis
began volunteering in day programs with those with intellectual disabilities
took on too many things, now barely manage most basic needs

been waiting a year for government funding for OT and psychology :cry:
psychologist can home visit on tuesday, OT in few weeks :-?

doctor prescribes diazepam, react with neuroleptics :|
have intestinal issues; dysbiosis, hypochlorhydria also pyrroles

diet has to be restricted, shutdown in sensory panic if i eat something wrong
past year always on edge, so tired and fatigued, seem somewhat capable but get little choice in what i do it just happens, have to be so cautious not to overstimulate myself

feel like i could've gotton ontop of things if i got support when first got unwell July 2018, been long waiting lists

cannot wait until i get better like 'early 2018', was capable of so much, will have an interesting story to tell when i make sense of what happened :rambo:


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18 Jun 2020, 1:06 am

I don't think there is any necessary relationship between the levels and support. My report says that, based on my responses to Gilliam Autism Rating Scale – Third Edition (GARS-3), my DSM-5 severity level is 2.

These were my responses, and I think you'll see there isn't really a way to support a person with these things

Individual item analysis included the following rated as “very much like the individual.”

Does not initiate conversations with peers or others.
Seems indifferent to another person’s attention (does not try to get, maintain, or
direct the other person’s attention).
Shows minimal or no response when others attempt to interact with her.
Doesn’t try to make friends with other people.
Has extreme reactions (e.g., cries, screams, tantrums) in response to loud,
unexpected noise.
Speech is abnormal in tone, volume, or rate.

Individual item analysis included the following rated as “somewhat like the individual.”

Stares at hands, objects, or items in the environment for at least 5 seconds.
Does certain things repetitively, ritualistically.
Shows unusual interest in sensory aspects of play materials, body parts, or
Pays little or no attention to what peers are doing.
Shows minimal expressed pleasure when interacting with others.
Seems unwilling or reluctant to get others to interact with her.
Displays little or no reciprocal social communication.
Fails to engage in creative, imaginative play.
Shows little or no interest in other people.
Has difficulty identifying when someone is teasing.
Uses exceptionally precise speech.
Attaches very concrete meanings to words.
Displays superior knowledge or skill in specific subjects.
Displays excellent memory.
Repeats (echoes) words or phrases verbally or with signs.
Repeats words out of context (repeats words or phrased heard at an earlier
Speaks (or signs) with flat tone, affect.

I can drive, go out and run my own errands, but these things tend to give me migraines due to visual sensitivity and fatigue due to auditory sensitivity. Supports can't really address those things. I can handle personal hygiene and maintaining my apartment, but I don't have much energy left for a job (that is probably partially due to fatigue from chronic insomnia). No kind of support is going to give me more energy. Vocational rehab failed to get me into stable employment.

Since I already have food stamps and a housing voucher, the only support I could benefit from is paratransit services and disability income.


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18 Jun 2020, 3:38 am

My ADOS -2


Picked up on conversational cues to expand answers but responses provided few leads for the assessor

Didn’t include many non-routine events

Speech generally had little inflexion and musicality , and increased in volume when passionate about a topic.

Eye contact not well modulated with speech.

In demonstrating task descriptive gestures had little definition to them.

Exaggerated quality to emphatic and instructional gestures throughout the assessment.

Interested in maintaining assessor’s attention but not much reciprocal communication .

Didn’t display any curiosity in the examiner nor ask for more information when given some obvious verbal prompts .

Throughout the assessment the quality of social responses were awkward at times.

Social overtures were mainly related to own interests .

I got 3= autism level; for social communication and 5= Asperger's level; for social interaction .

With support= basic lifestyle . Would struggle to function above that level . Not as functional as age and intelligence matched non ASD/ non SMI peers

Without support= was basically self neglecting .

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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21 Jun 2020, 6:02 pm

I have no idea. I need 1-1 support at school now and it's super obvious I have autism and I'm level 2. I guess it's just level 3 except you can manage yourself a little better?


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22 Jun 2020, 1:58 am

I think there may sometimes be a disconnect between the degree of symptoms and the ability to cope/function . This is more likely to occur, IMO, when co-morbids ,including mental health problems, are involved .

I do think also that environment/setting can play a large part when it comes to how well we all do . What comes over ,as to how I am, in fairly short verbal interactions is very different than a more prolonged situation where verbal skills are very much a secondary factor .