I found out my brother has tourettes when I was learning about AS for myself. Sometimes I wonder if he is also AS becuz he is very obsesive with his special interests (aliens, conspiracy theories, home made bombs), but I think he also has siezures and hallucinates, but for all his obsessiveness when talking (he WONT shut up, and I saw how annoying that was to other people & I stopped doing it myself) he does not seem to have any of the social problems related to Autism, he has a lot of friends and people think he is brilliant.
But they also make fun of him a lot for stuttering, and he kind of hops and twitches and bobs his head while jerking his shoulders up. *edit* also I forgot to mention I think he has coprolalia? The only time he totally stops twitching & seems quite calm & "normal" is when he is spouting the most astounding obcenities. Strangely enough he seems to be able to control that except around certain trigger (mainly me & also someone mentioning my best friends name). He's always cursed at me so it's not a big deal, but when he started getting so odd about my friend I actually warned her to not go near him, becuz I couldnt understand why he is so mad/agressive to her, but she says she ran into him the other day & he was super nice and normal, so maybe it is just the sound of my voice saying her name that sets it off? triggers are wierd...
My only tics are sometimes I will start making kissy/whistling moves with my lips and make squeaky bird type noises. When I'm on medication I get an eye tic/twitch & flap a lot, but spastically.