It really shouldn't matter what you call yourself: it's not like you're saying, "I'm a lobotomized chimp, that isn't worthy of anyone's respect..." They are your words, you, and no one else gets to choose them! I am a self proclaimed weirdo: I know I'm very different, and I fly my "freak flag" very proudly--damnit! Should I go around pretending to be like everyone else when I know I'm not, no that's harmful to who I know I am!
I'm very lucky in that I married the only person who understands me; more than anyone ever has; she refers to herself as a weirdo too! It's the people who won't let themselves use my word, and try to be nice and call me eccentric: it's those people who wish me to be "normal" and who are themselves desperately trying to fit into society.
There are many words that are relative and subjective, unlike something like "triskaidekaphobia" (fear or avoidance of the number 13), there is no debating its meaning. I say stand your ground, tell said person that they are your words and that you get to choose them and that you're not saying "I'm a loser, and everyone should hate me just by the very fact that I exist..."
If you're not hurting anyone... why be normal, that's boring. If you look at many of the great thinkers who made a difference in history, they didn't fit into society either