funeralxempire wrote:
Nosho wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
TomBarclay wrote:
How do you deal with the anger and resentment that stems from being mistreated by the educational system back then? I become very upset when I think back on how poorly I was treated.
Substance abuse.
Semantics can eat a chode. I've had this argument with my counselor at the methadone clinic already. It's not considered abuse if it increases your quality of life, and you have the ability to quit using it should it be putting your life in danger. Addiction is a choice, not a disease.
Drug war propaganda can go die in a hole.
It's like the difference between someone with a good job, family, plenty of money, and a brain that produces the right amount of dopamine for its receptors using heroin to nod out every night, constantly winding up in the back of ambulances, compared to me, who has to use opioids just to be able to keep his limbs still and achieve REM sleep.
I told my counselor if I hear the term "substance use/abuse disorder" one more time, I'm going to hit whatever mouth I hear it come out of..
Don't project the nature of your usage on to me or other people pl0x.
You're welcome to not like to have the term
substance abuse used to refer to your consumption but I understand that there's been periods where my usage was quite intentionally self-destructive.
Onset of pre-suicidal ideation? Yeah I've tried to kill myself with my meds before.. I did a lot of pussyfooting with euphoria chasing to try and make it a pleasant kaput.. That was the one time I abused them. Big mistake. They almost took them away, then I would have been perma-suicidal.
Also worthy to note, ASD is comorbid with a lot of other issues that people with ASD commonly do suffer from, ADHD, Tourette's, sometimes Parksonson's later on in life.
Dopamine dysregulation/lack of dopamine can be one of the precursors to later issues with movement disorders Tourette's and other impulse control issues, "SUBSTANCE ABUSE" being one of the outcomes they throw on the books..
If that term bled, I'd cut it down. Likely these people only ever "abuse substances" because they're not being helped correctly. This is why I am prescribed scheduled drugs. I was lucky enough to get a brainscan, but only because I was "violent."
You may say I'm projecting my usage on to you, but you just dropped a very sensitive term in to a pool of people who likely have a legit medical need for "substances." They don't want to think of themselves as abusers any more than I do.. Do you know how long I had to fight terms like "junkie" and "criminal" before I got help?