Replay Conversations?
I couldnt sleep most of my life because of this. For hours i would lie in bed, replaying all conversations. I'm chronically ill, so it doesnt bother my sleep anymore, but i still do it during my waking hours, after being with people, going home exhausted, i filter everything for content and meaning, whether i reacted appropriately, and usually, wondering what someone else meant by some phrase or another.
Did anyone practice with mirrors? I didnt remember doing this for years, but automatically gave my autistic daughter mirrors as a child....she would carry them everywhere....full length mirrors. I thought i was doing it to help her be more aware of herself. And i was, but it was how i practiced conversation as a child, and i didnt remember until the past few years.
I even practiced kissing the mirror, when i got older, and thought maybe someday i might actually have to kiss someone. I've never heard another person (the nt's i've met) relate things like this as things they do.
nice to know others do these things.
Yes, Exactly! It's like you are left feeling cheated because you are fully capable of contributing to the conversation given enough time. It's like I want to turn back time and use the comments/comebacks I later thought up so I can prove, "Hey, I can be cool & fun too, ya know!"
The only way I can stop is to sing along with music or watch a movie (with the subtitles on) or talking to someone else. I hate this more than anything because I'll be somwhere and all the sudden I catch myself making hand motions and actually lipping the words instead of keeping it as just thoughts.
Listening to music helps me too. It gives me new words to run through my head, but disappears quicker than the conversation replay. Probably because the song has less meaning & is just a rythm to deter conversation replay.
I do hand motions & facial expressions while thinking about conversations in public. Sometimes lipping words too. It doesn't bother me too much though - I've always kind of placed it in the category of "talking to yourself".
This site has helped me realize that I should probably be a little more concious of what I do/ act like in public. I always thought I was kind of like a ghost; I'm avoided so clearly people don't even realize I'm there. I can do whatever I want! Not the case!
I hate it when I've already seen the person and I think of what I could have said, or should have said.... that can be a real mental beating. Sometimes someone will tell me to let it go... easier said than done.
I know what you mean. Maybe in time the reflection we have upon our conversations(or lack thereof) will aid in eventual application to future conversations.
Sooner or later we will be able to contribute in a timely manner if enough reflection is given? Just a thought.
This was a great post!!
Just out of curiousity, last night I asked my NT husband if he replays, and rehearses conversations in his head and out loud. To my surprise he said that he did. I asked him if he does it often, he said he did. I was quite shocked, as I've been married to him for 9 yrs, and I didn't know this. Maybe, it's not just an AS thing...
Joined: 28 Jun 2007
Age: 57
Gender: Female
Posts: 407
Location: Inside me 'ead, all alone.
I make hand motions and talk out loud, too, when I really get caught up in it. And I have fantasy conversations with people in my head that I go over and over and edit as I do, even knowing these conversations may probably never take place!
OMG.. i do this all the time - i lose hours a day replaying conversations in my head - and then get quite phased out trying to understand the hidden meanings of what people have said during these converstaions, or what the persons body language meant - it drives me insane sometimes, when i can't switch off from it!! !
Thanks for replying to my post! Sometimes I think I'm a bit off from everyone else here I don't know if it's an option for you, but antianxiety meds and/or antidepressants seem to help this if it's really bothering you. Take care!
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