Fnord wrote:
The rulesets of role-playing games like BESM, Dungeons & Dragons, GURPS, Paranoia, and Traveller.
Hey, me too! Not all of those systems specifically, but if you give me a TTRPG rule book I will likely know how to play it proficiently in an hour, and in a week I will probably know more about how to bend/break the rules than the average DM (specifically for purposes of knowing how to make the system more functional to that end).
I just was talking about this with my Mom. I honestly have a hard time seeing my special interests as "Special Interests" in relation to AS. Like...anyone who is artistic *should* have an interest in the development and history of their specific medium, as well as the technical mechanics of how to design a hand, a body, a face, or a scene in really specific ways. People in Cartooning should know why it is that Fred Flintstone and Yogi Bear both wore ties, what rubber hose animation was for, and how parallaxing works.
Now, whether those people knew this stuff when they were like 8 or 9 is a different matter I guess. Nor do most artists have a really huge habit of wanting to talk for hours (bit of an exaggeration, but not by much) about why the average human figure is between 6-7 heads tall. But in general, my special interests happen (luckily I guess) to align with things that aren't seen as too esoteric or extreme. I come off as being eccentric in most cases. My special interests actually can be seen as pretty normal by most people, which is how I ended up getting to my age without being diagnosed.