Fenn wrote:
This is interesting:
http://oddlydevelopedtypes.com/content/ ... syndrome-0Is it relevant - N types tend not to be problem solvers because the S types are all busy doing the “well known” day to day stuff and the Ns are better at the unexpected or atypical stuff.
If it was well known and expected it would be “on the list” and S types are all about those lists. Since it is a problem it probably isn’t on the list.
I can't get my head around the claim that ASD people (myself?) are not abstract thinkers and yet I am a great innovator, so I guess my innovation is not abstract? I need to read up on this. I do know I stink at games that use approximate sounds (which I take literally) and that I had to learn to estimate (and now I am really good at it).
How can I be an "N" when I am hypersensing which one would tend to think is a strong "S" ---- although come to think of it that one actually makes sense to me: Intuition is greater than the sum of its (sensing) parts.