Star wrote:
Vision is NOT something that the eyes do but the brain. The eyes send signals but it is the brain that interprets them and 'sees'.
My hypothesis is that the ASD/AS brain because of its different wiring than the NT brain will be able to see the 3-D image but at the SAME TIME focus on the individual patterns on the 3-D image.
In other words, WHILE the AS brain sees the 3-D image, it will pay less attention to it and become more interested or even fascinated of the patters and details of the patterns and how these patterns create the 3-D image, how they 'wrap' around the 3-D image if you like.
The other part of the hypothesis is that the reason some people (who do not have a physical impairment that limits them from seeing 3-D) will 'stop' their brain from seeing the image because to see it, the brain has to relax and 'let go' or focus in an unfocused way.
The conscious brain can halt this process because by relaxing, it becomes more open to subconscious thought processing, memories, etc. that resembles daydreaming when the conscious brain taps into the subconscious brain.
I wonder if the people who feel frustrated by not being able to see these images also happen to have problems with bowel movement and constipation.
I apologize if this sounds rude, but it is not meant as rude. If the brain has a problem with control and letting go, this will issue can also affect the actions of the intestines because the bottom line of this action/reaction is fear (of letting go).
Again I apologize if any of the above feels 'personal' to those who replied here. I am not passing a judgement I am just trying to see if there is a conenction between the brain and the body that manifests as a 'blockage' in the visual processing and of bowel movement. Fear and the efefcts of fear can manifest in different ways.
No its just a matter of learning to focus your eyes at a point well past your computer screen. That takes conscious control of your eye muscles. Most people control their eye muscles with little conscious thought. It is a motor skills problem just like throwing ball.