Gammeldans wrote:
How is knowing that someone else have a similar problem/issue helpful for you?
1. makes me experience shadenfreude(joy at misery of others)
2. forges emotional bond over similar misery
3. validates me as an autistic person or perhaps just as a person when I learn that others in this group are like that too
Most of the time, just a simple answer "it do be like that you are not alone and I feel that pain too" is THE solution, it calms you down immediately.
This is opposed to answer such as "I literally don't know what you're talking about and I never felt like this" which increases feelings of inadequacy and alienation
Since thoughts and feelings aren't material, they can't be measured or weighed, or otherwise observed. Thus, it's easy to lose track of them and feel like they aren't actually real. Having someone else experience the same thoughts and feelings is insta grounding, it's a living, talking evidence that these feelings actually do exist.
Last but not least, if enough autistic people say "YES WE DO" this gets you on the right track, so to speak. You realize that this issue of yours is probably autistic issue, and not adhd issue, bpd issue, schizophrenia issue, or otherwise connected to some other mental disorder. Thus you can begin approaching it and trying to fix it(if it really bothers you) taking ASD specific tactics and attitudes.