r00tb33r wrote:
Fenn wrote:
My therapist has adopted several children from foreign countries.
Perhaps the word "Alien" for her carries especially negative connotations.
If your therapist finds herself projecting herself onto the patient you should inform her that she should seek another occupation and find yourself another therapist.
Yes. It could be that she associates the word 'alien' with immigration, and 'illegal aliens' crossing the border from Mexico. And is oblivious to the fact that even most children use the word 'alien' in the pop culture sci fi sense of meaning "little green men from Mars who arrive in flying saucers".
Therapists can be amazingly myopic.
My parents starting sending me to shrinks in...I dunno when...elementary school.
Decades later they would tell me about how the shrinks would 'intimidate' them.
When I was a kid I would "draw stories". Divide a big sheet of paper in blocks running right to left, and top to bottom, like the cells in the Sunday comics. And then use pencil and crayon to draw the action in stories I made up. And my parents would explain this to the shrinks, and retell how I would call each installment of these adventure stories "episodes".
The shrinks would get angry at my parents and snap "NO eight year old child would ever use a big word like 'episode'".
If these shrinks had ever ...pulled their heads out of their asses, and had ever watched the Sixties TV shows that their own kids were watching back then they would have noticed that every
episode of....Bullwinkle Cartoons, Batman, the Green Hornet, and "Get Smart" (a TV comic spoof of James Bond), always ended with a voiceover guy announcing "that its for this
episode of the show. Stay tuned for next week's
It was the most natural thing in the world for a kid with crayons to ape television, and call his creations 'episodes' like how they do it on TV. But the word 'episode' is also a jargon word used by shrinks and social scientists themselves in their own trade- that has a certain meaning. So I guess they get stuck in the rut of their own jargon, and cant even see the obvious non jargon usage right in front of them.