Try to remember that PTSD is a stress disorder. A lot of people think it's a fear disorder based on being scared all the time but it's really about anxiety. It's in the same family as social anxiety, agoraphobia, scopophobia, general anxiety, RSD, etc. They're all anxiety disorders, even though PTSD has different causes and different symptoms.
You do seem to have an anxiety disorder, and I think you said it was even diagnosed. ADHD will amp that up. Anxiety disorders are a serious problem and they still deserve quite serious attention, so don't feel like your anxiety doesn't matter just because it's not called PTSD. My GAD is a really big deal and it affects my life significantly even though it's hard for me to tell what's what in terms of my diagnoses when I'm having a bad day.
Again I just hope you'll talk to your GP, your ADHD doctor, or your psychologist if you have one, to explain how much you're struggling lately. Sometimes meds just stop working over time or you might need something added to it. What are you doing for treatment right now beyond the Sertraline?
As for TP's comment, I'm likely to freeze or fawn because of Stockholm. The only time I get "fighty" is when I flood but that's not a danger to other people. It's only a danger to myself because of my guilt / shame complex. I'd blame and harm myself before I'd even dream of hurting someone else.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.