Well......It depends on whether........or rather the weather. My hair is long, black , thick, soft and really nappy. I try to fry,..er um,... press it with a hot pressing comb to get it straightned but it only gets partially straightened no matter how much heat is applied. I just give up and pull it in a pony tail or if I'm not going anywhere, I let it go natural. I wish I could just wear it in one of those Jackson Five afros but in this town, it's almost a crime for black women to go outdoors with hair not "done"and with me job hunting, a 'fro isn't an option.
However, for some reason, my hair will not keep what little style I manage to force out of it. A chemical relaxner only got me half-processed hair and chemical burns on my sensitive scalp. If it's raining, hot/humid, foggy, etc, my hair becomes the consistancy of a big, black cotton ball. It could be cloudy with me indoors and my hair would look like Chaka Khan. I swear, my head is like the Weather Channel except more accurate.
"There is difference and there is power. And who holds the power decides the meaning of the difference." --June Jordan