Gluten free diet
If it was proven with extensive research to help sure. The problem is I'm highly skeptical. It doesn't make sense and seems to be yet another piece of research that will later be debunked.
I sometimes feel that people are just born this way and there is this heavy burden placed on people with aspergers and autism shoulders to not be themselves and I wonder if an aspies life would be better if they didn't always feel so weird and out of place and if people just accepted and embraced us for who we are. This doesn't mean cater to us, it means not taking swipes at us for being "different" unless we are taking the first swipe. It means not telling us we aren't hired or you're fired for your condition (even though you can do your job but just have a different approach...I can understand if weeks go by or months and there is no progress from a business perspective but it's the prejudism and having to stay in the closet being someone else for others failure to accept you that bothers me.) For both sides it's difficult though. I think the reason why is because people just aren't at that acceptance phase and are acting like how christians act towards gay people and try to make them straight.
It's interesting you should say that about acceptance because recently have been doing more of the frequent stopping and starting again with gluten consumption, whereas in the past have been more consistent ( excluding or including for longer periods), and although could say that the reason for this ( missing it when stop , and therefore starting again) is because I'm not giving my brain enough time to fully recover from glutens effects, on the other hand I was thinking ( for first time in a long while , since the first difficult and distressing efforts at exclusion 12-15 years ago) that the reason I miss it will never truly go away because "being like that" ( buzzy, speedy in head, out of body,a bit spaced, a bit unconvinced by a lot of rules!, detached/alienated but in love with infinity etc etc ) is ME.
It was so much of how I grew up, is so much of who I am, that when I cut out gluten, even if I feel calmer and more stable and more "with" people, I lose so much of what I loved in myself, AND that other people loved in me too( friends!!), that I will never be able to exclude gluten forever, will therefore always be going through these yoyo withdrawal etc experiences.
You say "acceptance ". I don't want to return to the manic-depression of the total breakdown period. I don't like the " noise" in my head and the only safe/peaceful enough place in the world seeming to be my bed, so long as the neighbours are quiet!!etc etc.
BUT I suddenly wondered whether it might be possible to compromise like you say; something I generally "despise" , think "bla"! !
I have never tried treating gluten like coffee,to be consumed deliberately and delicately in small quantities. (I drink coffee once, sometimes twice a day.) What if I just ate a tiny amount of gluten, like a potent and interesting mind-altering drug? Because usually I have either cut it out completely, OR revelled in it; starting perhaps with pizza one day and then moving up till bread is all I want to eat,bread with everything,all day long.
So a minute dose a day? A twiglet, or a pretzel? ( a communion wafer, a loaf divided up into a thousand pieces!) See just how strong this stuff is, without bringing on the horrible effects.
Am going to try!!
Thanks,! !!
<<<<I definitely try different tactics ,try to find out what works for me,sometimes this means radically changing my mind. I know this can seem disconcerting to some /many people, but don't understand "commercial" bit ?? >>>>
Head on....apply directly to your forehead
<<<< Now you've really lost me ?!?!What do you mean? This is the sort of thing I have major trouble with, as an aspie ,online without any explaining context. I just don't get it ( shades of Tom Hanks in " Big"! !! Sorry, the juxtaposition of the word "commercial" and my " I don't get it" ! !); please send help!! Emoticon or something. This is the sort of thing that kept happening to me on NT sites.Often people simply had trouble believing me cos I was so honest!! ! Need explanation ! >>>>
Short while later; this took me a moment to work out:
Are you suggesting that I should stop talking about my struggles and experiments with gluten because you experience it as my trying to sell you something? Is that it? But this is a thread about gluten free diets, asking to hear about peoples experiences of excluding gluten.
Still don't get head on forehead remark tho.
I can't help it if I have 15 years experience of using gluten-free diets in order to control depression , mania, and the most disabling aspie symptoms ,( trying diets of various kinds too , to check for other factors!!) to talk about!! But oddly enough i am actually ready at the moment possibly for the first time ever, because I once again find myself yoyo'ing ,to try out a compromise ( your idea ! !), a whole new approach based on neither excluding nor including without restraint. I'm quite excited about the possibilities !
<<<<I definitely try different tactics ,try to find out what works for me,sometimes this means radically changing my mind. I know this can seem disconcerting to some /many people, but don't understand "commercial" bit ?? >>>>
Head on....apply directly to your forehead
<<<< Now you've really lost me ?!?!What do you mean? This is the sort of thing I have major trouble with, as an aspie ,online without any explaining context. I just don't get it ( shades of Tom Hanks in " Big"! !! Sorry, the juxtaposition of the word "commercial" and my " I don't get it" ! !); please send help!! Emoticon or something. This is the sort of thing that kept happening to me on NT sites.Often people simply had trouble believing me cos I was so honest!! ! Need explanation ! >>>>
Short while later; this took me a moment to work out:
Are you suggesting that I should stop talking about my struggles and experiments with gluten because you experience it as my trying to sell you something? Is that it? But this is a thread about gluten free diets, asking to hear about peoples experiences of excluding gluten.
Still don't get head on forehead remark tho.
I can't help it if I have 15 years experience of using gluten-free diets in order to control depression , mania, and the most disabling aspie symptoms ,( trying diets of various kinds too , to check for other factors!!) to talk about!! But oddly enough i am actually ready at the moment possibly for the first time ever, because I once again find myself yoyo'ing ,to try out a compromise ( your idea ! !), a whole new approach based on neither excluding nor including without restraint. I'm quite excited about the possibilities !
I hope I'm not off about this but I'm getting the conclusion that you are making fun of aspies. Are you? If so, find another place to troll, if not then I'll say this. If it has helped you with mania and depression great. What specific "disabling" aspie traits has it helped you with? If you don't eat gluten can you suddenly feel okay about driving? Do the sounds that generally bother you become plesant? Do textures no longer bother you? When someone smacks while eating, it's a thing of the past and you smile instead of feel like shoving ear plugs in your ears or going off? Have you stopped fidgeting with your hands or getting nervous in social situations. Did you get suddenly better with eye contact?
Nope sorry, highly doubtful. What makes you so sure it was gluten free diet? In 15 years, alot can change. People progress in different ways. Some people get better with the eye contact, others don't and then some people have on and off eye contact problems.
I hope I'm not off about this but I'm getting the conclusion that you are making fun of aspies. Are you?
<<<< Nope, if my social incapacity is too weird for here then not sure where could try next. I can't believe I have to say the same thing on here that I had to say on another ( NT ! !! !) site to explain myself! That is " I am very bright; I have a very high IQ , in the 155 range, but a very low emotional intelligence. Some people find this confusing." There, do you feel better now?>>>>
What specific "disabling" aspie traits has it helped you with? If you don't eat gluten can you suddenly feel okay about driving?
<<<< Don't drive. Parents don't drive.
Do the sounds that generally bother you become pleasant?
<<<< Yes; I am less likely to go mad if someone puts the radio on down the street.I am just generally less hassled by sounds when off gluten. In fact it's the very first thing that I noticed the first ever time I stopped eating wheat. The peace. Suddenly realised that life had been like living on a building site in an airport inside a steel foundry with a non-stop nightclub next door. It was as if someone suddenly turned it all off. It was BLISS. Total and utter BLESSING, PARAdise. Just for that I would have carried on cutting out wheat!! >>>>
Do textures no longer bother you?
<<<< Not noticed that changing. Just never liked hard, rough , tight, shiny, stiff, sort of clothing. Always preferred soft loose cotton. Never liked jeans tho. Ever!! And don't think wheat changed that. But colours yes,; the year I first ever excluded for a while I went from lots of black to lilacs and greens and soft purples. It was very noticeable. >>>>
When someone smacks while eating, it's a thing of the past and you smile instead of feel like shoving ear plugs in your ears or going off?
<<<< Hardly ever eat in company. Snoring KILLS me tho. Even the tiniest breathing noises.Even from his room next to mine the father of my son at night. But like I said I'm less prone to melt-downs around noise when off-gluten. >>>>
Have you stopped fidgeting with your hands or getting nervous in social situations. Did you get suddenly better with eye contact?
<<<< Now that's the odd one ,which is why I keep yoyo'ing , is that my social confidence , in sense of pride in me and who I am in all my oddness and intelligence, in sense of liking my self, of thinking I'm ALRIGHT , of being able to stride out ,..... is better on wheat, UP TO A POINT!.
That is what I was meaning above about gluten being part of me, part of what formed or interacted with my brain so much in formative years that if I exclude it I might , and DO ,get calm, and peaceful, and earthed , and more empathetic with others, BUT BUT BUT it's like half of who I love being is put to sleep.The exciting thinking and adventuring me.
Off gluten I tend to be a much nicer person. I tend to be so much more considerate of others. I seem to "feel" people more when I'm off gluten. They are more real to me. I am so much readier to do the dishes ! ! And talk pleasantly to people in the street.
BUT it's not all of ME ! !! !
I don't like caring so much about people; it paralyses me to care so much about them. I prefer being more distant from them; a little, not too much!
When I first ever stopped I wasn't even on the same planet, people said on several occasions that I looked through them when I was talking to them; that they preferred me when I was drunk because at least I actually looked at them ,in the eyes!! >>>>
Nope sorry, highly doubtful. What makes you so sure it was gluten free diet?
<<<< I suppose the fact that I kept doing it, stopping and starting, trying for long periods , short periods, when living alone, when not living alone, before being mother, and after becoming mother,in england, in france, in the summer, in the winter, with coffee, without coffee,with and without dairy, as a smoker, as non-smoker. etc etc etc ! ! I may have changed , but I have been off and on wheat over and over again in different situations , and some effects were just constantly the same!! !! ! There are some good sites about gluten and mental health , and several of the autism ones refer extensively to peoples experiences with this. >>>>
When I first ever stopped my body was exhausted, in total burn-out. The effects were much more dramatic. I have noticed that as my body has recovered, despite the many times that I have resumed wheat since then I have never worn it out so much, nor for so long, and now I can eat a little , for a few days , before I begin to notice the "noise" etc!! But I have not till now experimented with eating only really tiny quantities; I have tended to let rip when starting to eat wheat again, as if lots is no different from little.
New approach. (Course it might be just as bad in which case I will have to stop soon!!)
Last edited by ouinon on 05 Oct 2007, 8:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
Does the above help any?
Hmmm...I'll try the gluten free thing and see what comes of it. The sounds really bother me so if this diet works with that, it will be great. I apologize for being such a skeptic but how you went into detail really helped me see the full picture of what you were talking about.
Compromise with what? Social convention? Humans evolved to eat a certain way over millions of years, and then starting a few thousand years ago, suddenly 50% or more of the calories in the western diet come from wheat. So we should split the difference and 25% of calories from wheat is OK? People that evolved to lack the genes for digesting lactose should compromise and look for moderation (to give them moderate symptoms)?
Social convention? Humans evolved to eat a certain way over millions of years, and then starting a few thousand years ago, suddenly 50% or more of the calories in the western diet come from wheat.
So we should split the difference and 25% of calories from wheat is OK?
People that evolved to lack the genes for digesting lactose should compromise and look for moderation (to give them moderate symptoms)?
I stopped eating to compromise with convention ages ago. It's more like I'm going to try , and see, if I can compromise with wheat and me!!
It might not work. Quite possible. When I was excluding in the beginning just the accidental and unwitting consumption of small amounts of invisible wheat mixed in with something would plunge me into depression, or provoke tears, clumsiness, spacedness or aggressivity. But that was when my body was shredded and battered and over the edge .
I am fed up of yoyo'ing. I am fed up of "struggling" with gluten, of rarely anymore managing to cut it out for more than a few months at a time , and beginning to realise that I miss some of my "gluteny" self too much to shed it totally.
Perhaps if I had not eaten wheat daily, with increasing excess, for the first 29 years of my life I would find it easier. ( Note to parents!! Try giving a child at least a few years or even months gluten-free so that it has that as part of itself, to "connect" with, if or when gluten needs cutting out later ! !)
I'm going to try treating gluten as a potent drug to be taken in very very small doses, and see if I can handle that , and if the noise and generally worst bits stay away, let me recover some of my flighty floaty flippant fizz of wheatiness!! !!
I'm hoping.
Imagine if wheat was sold in little pills!! !! Just enough to keep you going!!
The trouble is that what was originally not that appetising apart from its sheer druggy hit, (for a certain number of the population at least !), raw grains of hard tasteless stuff ,has been made increasingly seductive , with yeast principally ( unleavened bread is just not the same!) and salt and finer and finer milling!!
They even ADD extra gluten to bread now. It makes it even more chewy and stretchy and mmmm, and helps to hold more air in the bread. More profit. More addictive too.
I imagine that it was the people it most affected who started planting the damn stuff. The village elders would probably already have tried to ban it , for its alienating/detaching effect on people so they started theorising excitedly about stuff, and gettting all judgemental and following logic through to its terrible conclusions, and thinking they were very clever. Or just getting totally spaced out.
But it got planted , and use spread.
It has had such an enormous effect on my life obviously I have to believe it had a huge effect on humanity ! !! !! !! !
Even down to influencing the kinds of writing that got invented! Pictogrammic in rice and corn eating areas, none at all in manioc , and the most abstract and divorced from connection to objects in wheat eating countries! An extra logic step , to base letters on sounds of speech which is already not the object itself.
What I've found is that to some extent I can "become" NT ,( by excluding gluten ) but that it feels inactive and unexciting in its acceptance of things, its agreable niceness , its consideration towards others and non-judgemental approach to people and systems.
I am addicted to asking questions, criticising, picking holes in things, to looking for more efficient ways to do things , to seeing how things could be done better, to seeking perfection. I love tearing idiocy apart , dissecting and exposing conventional and illogical approaches to life. I am constantly imagining how things should be.
I got used to this headspace in the first 29 years of my life. I led a lively social life between 18 and 25 because I drank lots of alcohol. This and increasingly extreme life changes led to exhaustion, and to manic depression and breakdown.
I heard about food intolerances and mental health so tried stopped eating wheat, and I discovered how to accept things, to "feel" people ,and care more about them than about abstract ideas. I became calmer, more tolerant of idiocy. I stopped disagreeing with so much.
But my gluten habituated brain finds this so dull. ( maybe if I managed to stop again for at least a year I would feel differently; I dimly remember being quite happy and joyful after such a long period of exclusion. But it's so hard.)
If I try to be "nice" and "accepting when ON gluten it makes me depressed. Stifling my reactions to rubbish all around. Stay in to avoid it all.
Seriously I think that aspies suffer most from the restrictive, judgemental, classifying, perfectionist, alienated, unhappy and anxious aspies of the past, and the myriad social constructions they created to make the world a more efficient and logical place.
Influential/powerful aspies of the past have been like the central intelligence in the film " I, Robot", which interprets Asimovs Three Rules of Robotics, (originally designed to prevent robots ever turning on humans) , to mean by "Thou shalt not hurt a human nor by inaction cause him to come to any harm" that robots should firmly restrain humans from doing anything dangerous, for instance smoking or eating unhealthily. Taking the 3 laws to their logical conclusion means robots taking over the planet to prevent humans doing anything that might be unhealthy or harmful to them,( driving a car, for instance; it's very dangerous!!).
I think aspies tendencies may have caused some of the most repressive( and disruptive of peaceful productive activity) measures ever invented.
NTs handle them best cos they don't take them too seriously. They bumble around them!! I , on the other hand take it so seriously it hurts to see NTs disrespecting all the best systems ever set up!!And which are so oppressive of me too, in terms of consistency, of ideal behaviours etc.
Aspies as the most intolerant law makers????
( I'm eating gluten again since 3 days. I feel it; the increase in distress. Whereas off-gluten I don't mind all the mismatches, and inconsistencies, and messes, and total and utter inefficiency around me and the injustice/illogic of things.On gluten I want to say Let ME make the laws here. Good solid perfect ones ,imposing efficiency and consistency on everyone! ! !! !)
Nine days of gluten in small doses.
I don't think I'm going to be carrying on for much longer.
I've been more snappy, fussy,and intolerant of both my son and his father.More excitable as well at first, and "happy" , but grandiose with it , and the balloon burst I've been more impatient and aggressive with everything!! Noises are beginning to invade my head again ,rather than stay outside at normal level. And I'm waking up in an anxious state.
And not wanting to go out or talk to anybody.
I think eating little amounts is like being in constant state of stopping and starting ; almost worse than eating lots! And fits with what used to happen in early exclusion days when would eat wheat by accident cos still didn't know all the things it was in and would suffer really violent emotional reactions.Only explainable after asking questions about ingredients etc.
And I have , since being on wrongplanet and learning more about how ASD works, begun to question in a whole new way my belief that when I'm eating gluten I am thinking in some super efficient and crystal clear way.
I'm beginning to wonder whether it's "fuzzy" thinking which is most precious.
(Seeing as we have computers to do the purely logical reasoning for us now!)
I hate stopping. I hate losing the illusion of clarity of black and white and sinking back into greys.
I wish I could remember more vividly the time I stopped for over 18 months , and began to experience a totally new headspace . Have faith and get a grip. Try again!
Just to say stopped about 10/12 days ago and feel so much better!! !
Calmer, happier, more able and willing socially, more grounded and affectionate, and oh yes asked 8 year old son if he noticed any difference , and he said straight off "Yes, you're more sociable". Also I noticed he gives me more hugs , as if I'm somehow more approachable!! !
Emu Egg
Joined: 8 Dec 2007
Age: 52
Gender: Female
Posts: 6
Location: In front of my keyboard...
I just went through something like that about a week ago...I guess maybe casein affects me
in a similar way to how gluten affects CentralFLM. I ate cheddar cheese curds after not
having eaten any hard cheese in weeks, and I guess the casein made me feel like I had
the right to tell other people what was best for them, because I thought I was absolutely brilliant
and insightful. Suddenly I felt like I had this huge genius 'overview' of things, and that average
people [non-aspies] were like sheep--all compelled to do what everybody else was doing, or
complaining about things instead of actually trying to help themselves. I sent a couple of rather
unpleasant e-mails to a lady whom I could potentially have had a nice friendship with, if I hadn't
gone all sort of dictatorial. She probably needed kind words, encouragement and sympathy,
because she's one of those utterly unlucky sorts of people, but all I did was try to
tell her how her negative attitude was attracting all sorts of bad energy {perhaps it is, I'm
not pretending to know that right now}. She replied by saying that I was welcome to read her
blog, but that we probably shouldn't e-mail privately anymore. I managed to get a grip on
myself long enough to say that I agreed, because our perspectives are just too different.
I also became a researching machine--that was when I became a member of WP, and I
went into information overload from trying to absorb every shred of information I could find
everywhere about Asperger's, because suddenly I felt like, there was the explanation of
why I am the way I am. I basically tied myself up in knots, because I was totally wired from the
casein in the darned cheese! I had to muster all of my willpower to stop absorbing information
long enough to eat something--not cheese, fortunately.
I'm feeling much better now that the darned casein has left my body. It's amazing how that can
totally mess a person up. No more cheese for me. I love it, but it's basically poisonous to me.
It totally brings out my autistic traits. I haven't been that awful since I was about 12 (I'm 35).
Gluten doesn't seem to affect me, though, that I've noticed. Ah well--we all need to do what's
best for us as individuals, and avoid the things we're sensitive to. I understand that again.
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