I'm an NT and have been in a relationship (long distance, if that doesn't make it even more of a challenge) with a guy who has autism. We've been dating for almost 6 months now, but he doesn't ever say that he loves me or expresses words of that sort. I love him deeply as a friend and have known him for a very long time but never this intimately.
I know from his occasional actions that he cares about me, but sometimes the only emotion he will show is by hugs or he'll formally invite me to hang out with him for the evening. And when I say formally, I mean he presents the question to me as if he were inviting his boss to dinner.
Sometimes it feels like he's treating me like he would an aquaintance, which leaves me frustrated, and then he'll suddenly hold my hand, or give me a quick kiss on the lips.
Though I'm usually good at understanding, it is sometimes difficult to keep myself from constantly asking him "Are we still happy in this relationship?" becuase I can't tell from his actions whether or not he has feelings for me. And i know the question can become repetitive and annoying. It feels like his emotions are an "on and off switch" that comes and goes as quickly as his energy (he gets tired A LOT. And often when he's tired, he becomes completely glazed over and stone-like).
How do you deal with the lack of affection being shown? Is it normal for people with autism to act this way? How do I show him that I love him without saying it, in case he freaks out? Sometimes I wonder if he will be okay with a long term relationship, or if they constantly need a change in girlfriends.