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05 Dec 2007, 3:12 pm

Actually, you're not that far off base. The correlations between Adamic mental and atomic nuclear activity are clear. Both deal with energy and its various processes and states - molecular movement, combustion, fusion, implosion/explosion, creation/destruction, buildup/meltdown. So no, wasn't confusing issues. If you need stats and demographics relating to coronaries and strokes brought on by a catastrophic event such as an emotional meltdown, please don't hesitate to ask.

mmaestro wrote:
cruxdust wrote:
jjstar wrote:
Meltdowns are violent and messy, they cause damage and destruction and they kill a lot of people. There's no getting around that.

cruxdust wrote:
But to someone who doesn't know what a meltdown is, showing them that video is one way to strike terror into them.

Not all the time- many people have ways of controlling their meltdowns- and what do you mean, 'kill'?

I think jjstar has run a step too far with the nuclear analogy, and is descriping a nuclear meltdown rather than an aspie. Which, er, isn't really relevant.

Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams. ~Mary Ellen Kelly

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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05 Dec 2007, 4:13 pm

jjstar wrote:
Actually, you're not that far off base. The correlations between Adamic mental and atomic nuclear activity are clear. Both deal with energy and its various processes and states - molecular movement, combustion, fusion, implosion/explosion, creation/destruction, buildup/meltdown. So no, wasn't confusing issues. If you need stats and demographics relating to coronaries and strokes brought on by a catastrophic event such as an emotional meltdown, please don't hesitate to ask.

mmaestro wrote:
cruxdust wrote:
jjstar wrote:
Meltdowns are violent and messy, they cause damage and destruction and they kill a lot of people. There's no getting around that.

cruxdust wrote:
But to someone who doesn't know what a meltdown is, showing them that video is one way to strike terror into them.

Not all the time- many people have ways of controlling their meltdowns- and what do you mean, 'kill'?

I think jjstar has run a step too far with the nuclear analogy, and is descriping a nuclear meltdown rather than an aspie. Which, er, isn't really relevant.

Ah you meant kill the Aspie? I thought for some horrible moment you were implying that meltdowns turned Aspies into uncontrollable psycho-killers.


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05 Dec 2007, 7:45 pm

jjstar wrote:
Here's a guy having a mild meltdown in a hotel lobby -


THAT is MILD!??? And HOW do you know that is a meltdown? WOW! I have been JUST as upset about even the same things, but I don't expect every lobby to have outlets all over. I won't act like the immediate staff is responsible.

All that said, this persons actions are VAGUELY familiar with me.

At one point I paid HUNDREDS of dollars to an URGENT CARE clinic for an extended prescription(Not the drug, just a paper for it) on a necessary drug where stress is CONTRAINDICATED!! !! I only had a few hours before a flight. They lied left and right, said they were too busy.... over 5 people and I was the ONLY patient!! !! One person walked in AFTER I did, and they searched the office for his envelope. They acted like HE had an immediate need, but kept ignoring ME! I let them know in no uncertain terms that I was angry and they were idiots. STILL, they had to prove they were idiots. After I left, an office worker stopped me in my car to ask "Is anything bothering you sir? You left a hole in the wall when you slammed the door!"! I was aghast that she couldn't figure it out because they wasted so much time, charged so much, didn't even give me a month to get a full prescription, lied to me, and I TOLD them! Still, I was VERY patient for quite a time, and was relatively calm. Heck, I didn't want to be angry.

I ALSO, when I flew with "united" had many times when my flight was delayed 3.5 hours! What is it with that number? It is like they TRY to make it 3.5 hours! It doesn't matter if it is due to equipment, staffing, or weather. Anyway, they lied a lot ALSO! At one point, I was behind a gate and heard them talking about an equipment(AKA plane) change and a 3.5 hour delay!! !! PUBLICLY, they told everyone it was a minor delay. About 3 hours later, they announced that there would be an equipment change. They tried to hide the reason, but I found out! It was a bad windshield defroster! They could NOT have known about it there, so they found out about it over SIX hours earlier! They knew the WHOLE time what was wrong. If they told me ahead of time, or the truth, or tried to get a new part, it would have been FINE! But that would have been too decent. Let's just say I was boistrous. I wasn't destructive, etc...

Or what about ANOTHER flight delayed 3.5 hours? The famous ARGUE for over 3 hours ON THE TARMAC about a "fuel discrepancy"! TOO much fuel. It turns out that it was a simple flip of the switch to vacume out the extra gas in 20 minutes, but that was after 3 HOURS of arguing! I actually called the pilot a liar to his face. He ADMITTED that what he originally said wasn't true, etc....

I ESPECIALLY love(sarc) what happened a few weeks ago. Some IDIOT hit the plane with the jetway, so the plane was damaged, and they were delayed getting to my gate. THEN, there was a ground stop, and it was delayed even MORE! THEN there was a ground stop that delayed my getting out, and ANOTHER fuel discrepancy(not enough fuel), and ANOTHER ground stop, so I got there 30 minutes AFTER my connection. I was READY though, I prepared for the worse. I only got 4 hours sleep(IF THAT), but I didn't complain much. I guess after 9 years of constant flying, I learned a bit. Still, I would LOVE to tell the world about that garbage.

I was once threatened with a lawsuit because I revealed a international conspiracy of sorts by a chip company. THEY tried to lie to me as well. I pointed out to them that they sent me the chipset pinout, and a reference circuit schematic and that their claim was IMPOSSIBLE! They finally admitted I was right, but it didn't do me any good at that point. I pointed out that they LIED in all their documents and they gave an alternate understanding which frankly made NO sense. The ONLY reason I stopped talking about it was because Intels 386 made their garbage totally unnecessary and all but put the company out of business. Surprisingly, Intel bought them("Chips and technology"). I wish I told intel about the garbage, maybe it would have downgraded the offer.

I STILL don't understand such people. They probably spent more trying to confound me than they made on the chipset sold to me!

Still, what I would call a meltdown is the subtle anger/hostility combined with the downshift in mental ability when placed in an environment with lots of stress. I have THAT a LOT!

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05 Dec 2007, 11:32 pm

I never had any kind of meltdowns or tantrums. For me getting angry is way too difficult... honestly I don't know how to behave when something should make me angry, so I just don't do anything and stay confused. Some people have abused this over the years, trying to push me to "explode" and laughing at the fact that I merely reacted.

I do have moments where everything is confused in my mind and I'm really detached from the world, both in terms of attention and emotion. I do not rock in these moments, but I'm constently thinking without my thoughts leading to any satisfaction. I experienced many of those moments the last few days as I'm over-analyzing my current situation.


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06 Dec 2007, 4:56 am

Sometimes with me my Meltdown are not cause by anger just other personal things that I haven't really talked about or I find awkward to talk about.

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06 Dec 2007, 5:16 am

That guy in the lobby is just like me, when I can't find my shoes.. or my iPod or something similair.


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06 Dec 2007, 5:42 am

I had a really bad morning today. First of all I slept in, then I couldn't find my keys, so I was rushing to try and get to university. When I got there I found a nice space to park in (I drive a scooter), but apparantly someone had been waiting to park there before me and I hadn't noticed (what with rushing and all). The girl in the car started yelling at me "I was about to park there!! !", so I said "Oh sorry, I'll move on", so I started to move my scooter out of the parking space, and the girl yelled "You're scooter might not be there when you get back!!" and drove off. Why she got angry and drove off after I moved out of her parking space, I have no idea.

During the ordeal I was getting really angry, and after she drove off I felt like I wanted to hunt her down and punch her, but obviously I couldn't because a) I didn't want to end up in jail and b) I'd feel too guilty anyway. Since I couldn't explode, like I wanted to, I had to implode instead and suppress all of my rage. So now I feel really depressed.

Is this a meltdown?

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06 Dec 2007, 6:15 am

wblastyn wrote:
I had a really bad morning today. First of all I slept in, then I couldn't find my keys, so I was rushing to try and get to university. When I got there I found a nice space to park in (I drive a scooter), but apparantly someone had been waiting to park there before me and I hadn't noticed (what with rushing and all). The girl in the car started yelling at me "I was about to park there!! !", so I said "Oh sorry, I'll move on", so I started to move my scooter out of the parking space, and the girl yelled "You're scooter might not be there when you get back!!" and drove off. Why she got angry and drove off after I moved out of her parking space, I have no idea.

During the ordeal I was getting really angry, and after she drove off I felt like I wanted to hunt her down and punch her, but obviously I couldn't because a) I didn't want to end up in jail and b) I'd feel too guilty anyway. Since I couldn't explode, like I wanted to, I had to implode instead and suppress all of my rage. So now I feel really depressed.

Is this a meltdown?

I hate it when stuff like that happens!! !! But, no I wouldn't classify that as a meltdown...the meltdown is when you walk up to your girlfriend afterwards lol...when I think of meltdown I think of outward expression. For example, yelling profanities if you miss an exit, you usually only do it when someone is there in the car to hear it...unfortunately. They come about when you are in a stressful period or situation.



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06 Dec 2007, 6:20 am

Ozzy wrote:
I hate it when stuff like that happens!! !! But, no I wouldn't classify that as a meltdown...the meltdown is when you walk up to your girlfriend afterwards lol...when I think of meltdown I think of outward expression. For example, yelling profanities if you miss an exit, you usually only do it when someone is there in the car to hear it...unfortunately. They come about when you are in a stressful period or situation.


So YOU'RE one of the ones that believes that a tree in a forest falls with no sound if nobody is there to hear it!? :lol:


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06 Dec 2007, 7:13 am

Guy loses a favorite t-shirt, is bombarded with wife's nagging and upstairs the neighbors are playing tom-tom drums full blast. Guy finds himself turning inwards, blood starts curdling, heart beats faster, he grabs a broom handle and starts jabbing the ceiling while shouting: *stf up there!*. Stops. Breathes. Goes downstairs and pours himself a stiff shot of whiskey. *Calms down*. Meltdown Scale a 3.

Next scenario - Post Office, Anytown, USA. Woman worker hears her co-workers laughing and giggling, turns around and sees them pointing at her. Her boss gives her a nasty look and asks her to come see her later to discuss some things. Her cell phone rings, it's her kid's school telling her that her son has gotten into another fight. Meanwhile she remembers she's got $500 in credit card debts she owes and there's no way to buy Christmas gifts for anyone this year. And why even bother, life isn't worth living anyway. Silently takes her handbag, puts the keys in the ignirition and plans her goodbye note to the world. Meltdown Scale a 4

Next scenario - Guy in the middle of divorce proceedings is trying to close a deal with an elusive client. Guy's overweight, hasn't been laid in 6 months, women avoid him because he's too loud and brash, and who cares anyway. All women are sluts, he thinks to himself. Meanwhile, wtf is that client? And wtf is his cell phone going dead right now? The world is out to get him. Everyone hates him. No way out. No way out. He goes to the hotel lobby desk Maybe THEY can help him get some relief. But no. Bloody robots can't even figure out how to make the coffee. Anger boils, rage spurts. Guy starts tearing the place up. Taser cops not called in. Guy wrestled and asked to leave the premises. Meltdown Scale - 7.

Next scenario - 19 year old, parents divorced, high-school drop out, clinically depressed, diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, self-medicating since his early teens. Nobody loves me is a constant thought. I am a burden to the world is another. He hates himself, he loathes society. Spends most of his time in his room playing violent video games. Anything to get away from the reality that his is life. Bides his time till he can end it all. But wants to go *in style*. Saves enough money to buy a rifle, goes into holiday-packed shopping mall in Omaha, starts shooting at random, killing 9 people and wounding dozens others. With one bullet kills himself. Meltdown Scale - 10.

Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams. ~Mary Ellen Kelly

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06 Dec 2007, 7:25 am

2ukenkerl wrote:
Ozzy wrote:
I hate it when stuff like that happens!! !! But, no I wouldn't classify that as a meltdown...the meltdown is when you walk up to your girlfriend afterwards lol...when I think of meltdown I think of outward expression. For example, yelling profanities if you miss an exit, you usually only do it when someone is there in the car to hear it...unfortunately. They come about when you are in a stressful period or situation.


So YOU'RE one of the ones that believes that a tree in a forest falls with no sound if nobody is there to hear it!? :lol:

Damn! You caught me! The secret's out now :lol: Oh, but it's so true...yes we are shy, but people are our only true outlet.



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06 Dec 2007, 7:30 am

Meltdowns are violent and messy, they cause damage and destruction and they kill a lot of people. There's no getting around that.

Omaha mall becomes massacre scene

OMAHA, Neb. | One of the deadliest shootings in Nebraska history shattered an Omaha mall filled with holiday shoppers Wednesday, leaving nine people dead and five others wounded, two critically.

The shooter, who was identified as Robert A. Hawkins of Bellevue, Neb., died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, police said. He left a suicide note that said, “Now I’ll be famous,” said Debora Maruca-Kovac, who owned the house where he lived.

The carnage inside the Westroads Mall began shortly before 2 p.m. when the gunman opened fire with a rifle in the customer service department on the third floor of a Von Maur department store in the mall.

Renee Toney was working in the gift-wrap area behind the customer service counter when the gunman came off a third-floor elevator and began firing into the ceiling.

“He was moving very fast,” she said. The shots “were very, very fast, I would say closer to 30 (shots) in all.”

A supervisor called for everyone to go into a stockroom behind the customer service area, and Toney rushed there, the others just feet behind her.

But she said she was the only one to make it to the stockroom.

“I was up front, and everybody except me was shot,” she said. “It’s a blur. I don’t even know how I got to the stockroom. I was the closest one to the stockroom. Within seconds, they were shot right behind me.”

A supervisor later told Toney that the man had said, “Open the safe.” One of the employees moved to open the safe, Toney said. “She never made it to the safe. He shot her before she made it.”

When police ushered Toney out, she said, she saw blood all over the floor and as many as six bodies, some on top of each other.

Panicked shoppers ran screaming through the shopping center, and some barricaded themselves in dressing rooms, storage areas and anywhere else they could find cover.

“The shots wouldn’t stop,” said Von Maur shopper Carol Padon, who described hearing 15 to 25 shots before fleeing the store.

A witness, Shawn Vidlak, said the shots sounded like a nail gun. At first he thought it was noise from construction work at the mall.

“People started screaming about gunshots,” Vidlak said. “I grabbed my wife and kids, (and) we got out of there as fast as we could.”

Witnesses said the gunman fired down on shoppers from a third-floor balcony of the Von Maur store. Victims were discovered on the second and third floors, police said.

One witness said she was on the second floor near the escalator and looked up toward the commotion. She saw a man with a gun lean over a rail from the third floor, and a man standing right next to her was shot in the head.

Police received a 911 call from someone inside the mall at 1:42 p.m., and shots could be heard in the background, said Sgt. Teresa Negron, a police spokeswoman. By the time officers arrived six minutes later, the shooting was over, she said.

Dozens of Omaha police, county sheriff’s deputies and FBI agents sealed off and closed the mall, which is in a prosperous neighborhood on the city’s west side.

At 2:12 p.m., officers located the apparent shooter in the customer service area, dead of a gunshot wound.

Omaha Police Chief Thomas Warren said at a press conference Wednesday night that those killed, who were not identified, included five females and three males, plus the gunman.

“It appears this incident lasted a very few minutes,” Warren said. “Shooting had concluded when officers arrived on the scene.”

Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams. ~Mary Ellen Kelly


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06 Dec 2007, 7:53 am

^ That wasn't a meltdown.

He had it planned, according to the note he left.

Agender person.



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06 Dec 2007, 7:58 am

beau99 wrote:
^ That wasn't a meltdown.

He had it planned, according to the note he left.

That wasn't a meltodown. Can you absolutely know that is true?

Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams. ~Mary Ellen Kelly

Tufted Titmouse
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06 Dec 2007, 12:15 pm

jjstar wrote:
beau99 wrote:
^ That wasn't a meltdown.

He had it planned, according to the note he left.

That wasn't a meltodown. Can you absolutely know that is true?

Because meltdowns are not planned, and what are you trying to imply by posting that? Are you for Aspie rights or against them?


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06 Dec 2007, 12:16 pm

jjstar wrote:
That wasn't a meltodown. Can you absolutely know that is true?

I absolutely know it wasn't a meltodown. I'm also pretty sure it wasn't a meltdown. It was planned. I categorise meltdowns as occurrences where your brain is unable to focus upon anything other than the object of your ire, and you just explode, or implode. It's completely uncontrolled. The incident in Nebraska was controlled. It was pre-planned, executed in methodical style.. that rules out a meltdown.
Ozzy wrote:
the meltdown is when you walk up to your girlfriend afterwards lol...when I think of meltdown I think of outward expression. For example, yelling profanities if you miss an exit, you usually only do it when someone is there in the car to hear it...unfortunately.

I disagree completely. A meltdown is utterly independant of whether someone is there to see it. In fact, given my meltdowns are usually internal, I tend to isolate myself when I have them, and just shut down. Avoiding any human contact is part of what I do.

"You're never more alone than when you're alone in a crowd"
-Captain Sheridan, Babylon 5

Music of the Moment: Radiohead - In Rainbows