Meh, real life is full of difficulties and stressful situations. The Big Brother house has stress and discomfort common to both AS and NT housemates, people understand why you might have difficulties in that situation, but think you're crazy if you can't stand going to a rock concert or do grocery shopping in a crowded supermarket.
I'd have less stress on BB than I would doing a normal 9 to 5 job. Of course my Asperger's is different to the next Aspie's Asperger's which is different to the next Aspie's... That's one of the things I'd like to show. The media isn't getting the full picture as to what AS is, they have a few examples of very limited indivduals, many of which are fictional characters, and we are getting painted as a bunch of Rainmen and Jerry "Hands" Espenson's.
We need more people like Daniel Tammet to shift people's perceptions, not because of his mathematical abilities, but because he has learned to interact and come across as a highly sophisticated and charming person. This isn't to show people that all AS people are capable of doing this, but rather that some of us can and thus we shouldn't be judged simply because of the syndrome we share. Also, being able to communicate (albeit superficially) like an NT isn't the yardstick of ability itself, it is only a means to act as a translater to NT people. So we can tell them that many Aspies and Autistics have valuable and amazing gifts that get overlooked when people believe things like, "if they can't talk, they can't be thinking anything."
If I am elected, I promise...
Wait, what am I talking about again?