I once had a supervisor who was always saying things that offended people. I never could figure out if she was doing it deliberately, or was she just that inept? Anyway, she accosted me in the lobby of the workplace, and demanded to know how old I was. I told her, and she blurted out something about people in my ethnic group not aging like everyone else.
Before thinking it through, I replied, "Wow! All this time, I thought it was Oil of Olay!" I got a laugh from several other co-workers, and congratulated all day as the story went around. I still get a chuckle from that come-back. The thing is, I didn't realize that I was supposed to be offended, until others said so. And I didn't realize that she had been inappropriate by demanding personal information in a public place, thus putting me on the spot. And, I really did think it was the use of moisturizer that had kept my complexion young. 
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner