Imperceptus wrote:
I use to like to drive. It was a childhood dream come true. Soon after I started though I had some issues with day dreaming. It never caused me to have an accident, but I would always come back to reality closer to my destination with no recollection of the journey that had passed. I have had many issues keeping track of so many things on the road. Through either my own stupidity or bad luck (I don't believe in luck), I have had almost a dozen accidents. I am 26 now and hate driving. I freak out at the thought of even being a passenger, the best I can do is to sike myself out of what is going on and literally "buckle up and zone out".
Ya know not remembering your drive I guess is common, many people, not just ASD'ers zone out behind the wheel, you get some accustomed to driving it becomes second nature and so you get to your distination almost without thinking.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.