Not really, because at times I've encountered the same thing I encounter in a lot of autism groups:
1. I describe something that, were it described in front of people who had specific difficulties that I had, would not need explanation.
2. People totally misunderstand and think that a person would have to be depressed or something to have difficulty with those things.
3. I try to explain why in my case difficulties with those things are an outgrowth of autistic perception, not depression.
4. People think I'm just trying to justify feeling sorry for myself (because the only way they would have trouble with those things is if they were feeling sorry for themselves and not acting).
And so on and so on and so on. With people believing that since they have no innate trouble with that sort of thing, then neither do I, and that I have no good reason to explain such a thing in detail.
Which is the same reason I stopped attending an in-person support group in my area. Nobody went so far as to act like the problem must be emotional, but everyone was very wrapped up in telling how easy certain things were, that are in fact very difficult for me, because our expressions of autism are different.
The news flash that people were not getting is of course that autism looks different in different people, and can result in very different patterns of strengths and weaknesses, and that in my case it has (in some cases always, in some cases getting more so as I get older) been extremely heavy on the difficulties in self-care, motor planning, and comprehension of what is around me, and difficulty combining all those things into various supposedly simple tasks. And that simple willpower does not change this.
(In fact the one thing that does change it is, seemingly paradoxically, having someone do more things for me, or having some sort of automated system that does them for me if a person doesn't, so that I have free brain space to do everything else. It's like, if I have to feed myself, get myself water, and go to the bathroom, then I'm going to be able to do about a total of half of one of those things. If someone helps me with two of them, though, I can get the other one done. The more energy I expend, the less I have left to do the things. Like a more complicated version of Spoon Theory.)
At any rate, misunderstandings over the self-care element of things, and over how I feel about it (I don't really mind, and I'm not down on myself, it's just accurate to say I have trouble in that area), have at times made me feel very abnormal here, whereas I don't feel abnormal in this way on the daily living list I helped set up (with a friend of mine) for autistic people because a large portion of that list has serious problems in this area or they wouldn't be on that list.
"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams