TrueDave wrote:
But in Dumb and Dumber their stupidity was on a super heroic level. It became a way to face a difficult world and beat it armed with their superior stupidity.Plus in the end it had a "bros before hos " feel to it. That friendship is most important. They didnt know how dumb they were and didnt see the unusualness of others as something to avoid.
I totally agree; i started a thread ( which flopped!) on the TV and Film forum a while back about the film because it seems to me to be one of the most magic and positive and loving and accepting pictures of being out of synch, of being a difficulty-causing mixture of wise and incredibly "dumb", of being "sensitive", that i 've ever seen.
I agree with you re friendship. I cry when Carrey stands at window and says " and i'm fed up/sick of doing that..." ( about getting by etc) and they hug. I cry it's so wonderful.
Also agree re Scissorhands, tho don't actually like film, that the hands disabled/unfinished is crucial. Like my hands and feet and earlobes are all little/short for my height,( chinese say it's a sign of a weak constitution earlobes joined to head, no real separated bit). Or maybe refers to incomplete development of Proprioceptive system.
And A.I. , except I think Spielberg actually wrecked it. you can see the seam where he took over . Before that the scenario is chilly and detached, and terribly sad. And I identified with that boy. But the story after that ( after he's thrown out) is just schmalz. Shame.
"Housekeeping"; the aunt played by Christine Lahti. AND the bigger of the two sisters,
"The Fly", and "Brazil",
"Withnail & I". I was so in that mess at one point. And came to crashing collapse at age 29, before changing tack as a result of the discoveries i made.
"Twelve Monkeys"
"The Hours" ; Two highly sensitive introverts overwhelmed by motherhood or housekeeping responsibilities; i totally id'd with the 50's housewife played by Julianne Moore. I still cry buckets.
"Pulp Fiction"; almost every character is ! !
And I love almost every minute of it, especially Uma dancing.
"Safe" by Todd Haynes, Julianne Moore as a highly sensitive introvert overcome by her environment, and letting herself believe that it's because she doesn't love herself "enough", very very sad. A kind of horror film.
"Bad Influence"; James Spader as sensitive introvert falling foul of insensitive extravert, Rob Lowe. Manages to turn tables with help of his totally "aspie" brother.
"Big"; trying to live as a sensitive being in a world of noise and rush and competition,
"Batman Returns", Catwoman and The Penguin and Batman all in one. They are all like parts of me,
The best "Pink Panther" films; my personal favourite has fight with manservant Kato near beginning. I practically die laughing watching that.
I think a lot of comedy is based on sensitive introvert experience of world.
I would include "The Cable Guy" except that it paints a nightmarish picture of the outsider. But I love the medieval tournament bit.
Also love "Mulholland Drive" because it so values the inner life of mind. The innerness of experience, the experience of reality and dreams. Brilliant. I STILL haven't managed to see INLAND EMPIRE" tho'
Last edited by ouinon on 26 Dec 2007, 8:12 am, edited 5 times in total.