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Do you let different foods touch?
Yes 57%  57%  [ 75 ]
No 43%  43%  [ 57 ]
Total votes : 132


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29 Dec 2007, 4:26 pm

I think I still act now as I have done all my life - with utter logic.

I keep the different foodstuffs separate on the plate, because I like the enjoy each taste and texture in its pure form.

I will happily eat some "mixed-up" dishes, where the combination has been carefully crafted. Even then, I may regret that I couldn't have had the components individually.

Somewhat in contradiction of the above, I love gravy, to the extent that some of the components of a meal may meet, as they float into each other.

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29 Dec 2007, 4:26 pm

I try to keep all my foods separated on my plate as most of the time if they get mixed they don't taste nearly as good as they do normally. I am just generally a really picky eater though.

At least I'm not quite as bad as my Uncle though in regards to some things. If there is broccoli on his plate at all at a restaurant, he will send it back and not eat at all. For one because he claims he loses his appetite from the smell, and also because hes paranoid that the cooks will do something to his food if he sends it back.


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29 Dec 2007, 4:29 pm

My in-laws are Raw-eaters and make what they call "lasagna". It's layers of spinach leaves with different veggies between them, along with the sauce above. IT'S NOT BLOODY LASAGNA!! ! It's a SALAD! "But it has layers!" they say... Then call it a Layered Salad then... even Lasagna Salad! But if you look at the recipes for typical lasagnas, you won't find even one traditional ingredient carried over. NOT ONE! So don't call it the same thing!!

:lol: Thanks a lot for bringing back bad memories!! !! ! I dated a university professor and we had potlucks. Well, there's always a vegetarian pasta dish at these things. I remember carrots in the spaghetti sauce. :x :evil:


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29 Dec 2007, 6:42 pm

I don't like my food to touch, unless it's supposed to be eaten together. Yeah it all ends up in the stomach, but it's got to get past the mouth first!


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29 Dec 2007, 6:53 pm

I just had an argument about this with my Mom yesterday. I hate it when different foods touch on my plate. I think it's gross. And I hate to see other people's plates when everything is mixed together. My Mom was saying that it's a childish way to be and I need to grow up. When I'm out at other people's houses I won't make a big deal about it, but I just prefer everything to be separate.

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29 Dec 2007, 6:55 pm

I don't care at all, and never have. It's just fuel, anyway.


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29 Dec 2007, 7:11 pm

No problem for me but i do find different smells hard to deal with. These are strong smells that smell bad E.g rubbish, mouldy bad food, at junior school when ppl dumped their leftovers in one big thing and oh yes bananas!! ! Not sensitive to touching food but am sensitive to the Bad smells.

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29 Dec 2007, 7:18 pm

I have those special trays to keep my food from touching ^___^


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29 Dec 2007, 7:32 pm

I have AS, not OCD. The only time I have issues with food touching it other is if one of the foods is something I have a sensory hypersensitivity or adversion toward. Like mustard. Anything touched my mustard i can't eat.

I do have issus with unexpected or "surprise" ingredient, espo. in soemthing I'm familiar with. But it's not nearly as bad now as it was when i was a kid.

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29 Dec 2007, 7:37 pm

Most of the time I do, but my god son doesn't.


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29 Dec 2007, 8:17 pm

Depends on the food. I don't like things with sauce or leaking liquid to touch other things (I especially hate it when bread gets soggy... yuck!). And I don't like vegetables to touch other foods, because I just don't like them. Overall I prefer different foods not to touch, but I feel kind of silly about it, and I don't worry much about it.


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30 Dec 2007, 12:07 am

KimJ wrote:
I haven't voted as it's not b/w to me.

Absolutely. There should be more options. I try to keep my foods as separately as possible except for complimentary foods (steak and potatoes, eggs and potatoes, eggs and toast).

Me too.
Most foods, if they are touching on my plate, I will push them apart. However, some things I will mix together.

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Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
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30 Dec 2007, 1:05 am

me too. They can touch, but I tend to separate them. All of one item gets eaten until it's gone, then on to the next. I get a lot of grief over it...but who cares?...;)

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30 Dec 2007, 1:27 am

I do now, but as a child, I would have been in tears (course my family thought it was funny to on purposely do that.) Now, I have a thing about mixing food esp. when it comes to rice.


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30 Dec 2007, 1:29 am

I don't know how to copy/paste a quote from an earlier post, but this is in reference to the post by shaggydaddy -

That's EXACTLY how I have to make my sandwiches. Going a bit further, the bread slices must have been next to each other on the loaf and must "fit together" on the sandwich just like they came from the loaf. Both of these odd sandwich behaviors drive my husband nuts. He refuses to make a sandwich for me, which is fine since he never got the order of ingredients right anyway...

Yes, I also feel like a lunatic. :oops:

Oh yeah - I have to "test" straws before using them to make sure there are no cracks in them...


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30 Dec 2007, 10:35 am

kpow67 wrote:
I don't know how to copy/paste a quote from an earlier post..

Just click on the "quote" button of that post, rather than clicking the "postreply" button at all. I can get fiddly, if you want to quote mopr than one person, but you will see how it works.


I wanted to add another element.... I said I didn't allow things to touch... however, I'm fairly tolerant (now) if they do, but...

If things have touched, I will eat the cross-contaminated bits first. Only then will I go on to eat (and better enjoy) the rest.

"Striking up conversations with strangers is an autistic person's version of extreme sports." Kamran Nazeer